Learning Success

Secondary Studies Faculty - Learning and Support

Welcome back to a new year at Camden High School.  


The year has kicked off to running start with a makeover in the library. Over the holidays, we have revamped the library space with some funky new furniture to create some comfortable, quiet and inviting reading spaces. This provides plenty of opportunity for our students to indulge in, or discover, their love of reading and take on the teachers in the Staff Vs Students Book Battle. For every book begun and completed since January 1st, students and staff can fill out a book spine and place it on the ‘shelf’ to log their contribution. This also provides a continuously updated list of recommendations from peers to everyone to continue their own reading journey.  

In addition to the Book Battle, the Secondary Studies and Wellbeing faculties have launched a weekly timetable of scheduled activities to provide opportunities for engagement, socialising, mindfulness and fun.  


The timetable is as follows: 

 Before School  Recess  Lunch  
Mon  Meditation  Quiet reading  Monday Games  
Tues  Quiet morning  Chill out Tuesday  Stretching and Somatics  
Wed  Meditation  Book Club  Puzzles  
Thurs  Quiet morning  Mindfulness Colouring   CLOSED 
Fri  Meditation  Quiet Reading  Friday Games  


We are also looking at launching some additional clubs/programs/activities throughout the year, so watch this space and listen out in daily notices.  


For students looking to enrol in Year 7 2026 and 2027, save the date in your calendars. Wednesday 5th March from 5:00pm to 7:00pm at Camden High School. Join us for a self-tour of the school, speak with Head Teachers and faculty staff, learn about the enrichment class application process and more. Further details including how to RSVP will be available on the website and Facebook pages shortly.  


For Years 7 and 9, Naplan will be taking place from March 12th – March 24th. It is important to remember that NAPLAN is not about passing or failing but about assessing learning progress.  

Further, parent/carer information can be found here: https://www.nap.edu.au/naplan/for-parents-carers


If you have any questions about NAPLAN, please contact the school.  


TASC (Teacher Assisted Study Centre) reopens this week in the library from 2:00pm - 3:00pm. Teachers from all faculties are available during this time to support students with their assessments, homework, and any classwork they may be struggling with. 


Here’s to a great year Camden High School.