Important Dates

Last day for Year 10 and 11 students
Friday 8th December
Last day of classes for Year 7 - 9 students
Monday 11th December
Year 12 Results Available
Monday 11th December
Year 7 2024 Orientation Day (student free day)
Tuesday 12th December
Grade 6 students are required to wear their primary school uniform on this day and arrive at the Junior Campus by 9am. Students should bring a pen and their lunch, or money to buy lunch at the canteen. Students will be dismissed at 3.02pm.
This is a student free day for all Year 7 - 11 students.
VUSC Graduation and Presentation Evening
Wednesday 13th December at 6.30pm
Lakeside Banquet and Convention Centre, Taylors Lakes
Please present your tickets at the door, either printed or on your mobile phone.
Year 7 - 9 End of Year Activities
Wednesday 13th - Friday 15th December
Excursions have been published on Compass. Parents/carers can consent and make payment online via the Compass Parent Portal. Numbers are capped for each day.
Semester 2 Reports published on Compass
Monday 18th December
Staff Planning / School Clean Up Days
Monday 18th - Tuesday 19th December
Last day of Term 4 (school closed)
Wednesday 20th December
2024 Start Dates - Junior and Senior Campuses
Administration Offices open 8.30am - 4pm
Thursday 25th January
Staff Professional Development Day (offices closed / student free day)
Monday 29th January
Year 7, 10, 11 and 12 Students begin
Tuesday 30th January
On this day, Year 7 students will have the campus to themselves and will enjoy a day of induction activities.
At the Senior Campus, all students will participate in Be Well Stay Well day. They will be involved in a number of workshops and activities relating to mental health fitness, mindfulness and healthy living. There’ll be Zumba, Taekwondo, community stalls and free giveaways! Students are invited to come to school in their activewear or school sports uniform.
Formal classes for Year 10 - 12 students will begin on Wednesday 31st January at 8.50am.
Year 8 and 9 Students begin - Be Well Stay Well Day
Wednesday 31st January
On this day all Year 7-9 students will be involved in a number of workshops and activities relating to mental health fitness, mindfulness and healthy living.
There’ll be Zumba, Taekwondo, community stalls and free giveaways! Students should wear their school sports uniform for this event.
Formal classes for Year 7 - 9 students will begin on Thursday 1st February at 9.05am.
To view a full calendar, please click here.