Principal's Column

A message from Mr. Gatt, Miss. Slaymaker & Mrs. Richardson

It is hard to believe that the 2023 school year is about to draw to a close! There is a lot happening over the next couple of weeks so please make sure you keep on top of reading both the Class Dojo and Compass newsfeeds.


End of Year Arrangements

This term we finish school on Wednesday 20th December at 1.15pm.  On this day we will be holding our end of year assembly in the Courtyard at 9.15am. All are welcome.


Staffing Update

We are at the time of year where staff are choosing whether to stay at Westgrove next year or find new opportunities or challenges at other schools for various reasons. We would like to wish the following staff all the best in their new endeavours as either they are leaving us at end of year or taking leave in 2024.

  • Catherine Spehr
  • Tammy Pritchard
  • Brittlee Salvo 
  • Kahlia Davis 
  • Jake Wilkinson
  • Ceridwyn Gordon
  • Andy Parthenopoulos
  • Ria Schimanski
  • Tina Dovey

In addition the following staff have been on leave this year and have made the difficult decision not to return to Westgrove. 

  • Rose Ferlazzo (one of the founding teachers of Westgrove PS)
  • Sharon Anderson (ES)
  • Leanne Blake (ES)
  • Norelle Hooper (ES)

We want to thank them all of these staff members for the contributions and impact they have made on our community over many years they have worked at the school. We would like to particularly mention Rose Ferlazzo and Sharon Anderson who both have been in service to our community for the past 28 years and 26 years respectively.



Being Kind is Easy!

Just a reminder that as we enter the end of the term/ school year, students, staff and parents are tired, potentially anxious with the changes ahead, busy with everything happening in their life.  Therefore, treating someone with kindness goes a really long way!


2024 Whole School Orientation/ Step Up morning

Next Tuesday, 12th December, we will holding our 2024 Orientation/ Step Up session for all our 2024 students. On the day, students will spend the morning meeting their 2024 teacher, class mates and visit their new classroom. Students will come home with a flyer with some information outlining 2024 arrangements.

Please note: There will be no changes to class allocations.


2024 Voluntary Parent Payment

School Council has confirmed that the voluntary parent contributions for 2024 is $195.  This is a parent payment is for items and activities that students use or participate in, to access the curriculum and for non curriculum items and activities used by your child at school. Please contact the office if you would like further information.


2024 Dates for your calendars

Please see below dates to pop on your calendars, which were approved by our school council in our last meeting.

  • Tues 30th January & Wed 31st January: Assessment Day - Grades Prep to 6
  • Thurs 1st February: Students commence - Grades 2 to 6
  • Thurs 1st February: Assessment Days - Grades Prep & 1 
  • Fri 2nd February: Students commence – Prep & Y1 (Prep children finish at 1.15pm)