The Principal Team

Our Icy Pole Fridays.

The warmer days have been made all the more pleasant at Beaumaris Primary with our students enjoying their Paloma Pops. Thank to Lara and all the parents for initiating this treat.

Congratulations To David Tapp

The announcement that David Tapp has been appointed as the Substantive Principal, commencing 2024, is very exciting for Beaumaris Primary and its future. As a community member and experienced principal David will bring meaningful insight and strong leadership to our school.


We thank the panel and council members for their work towards such a successful outcome. I have met with David briefly this week and look forward to working with him in the remaining days of this term.


On behalf of BPS students, staff and families we extend a very warm welcome to David.

Market Day

We are enjoying and making the most of our time with our Year 6 students and look forward to celebrating them at our Graduation Evening next Thursday. Today they turned our grounds into a highly successful market, showcasing their business skills and raising money for Courage to Care and other selected charities of the students' choice. Our Year 6 students continue to impress us.


A Special Assembly for Sheryl Skewes

You are invited to a celebration of Sheryl Skewes and her outstanding leadership of Beaumaris Primary.  This will take place at a special assembly at 9am on the morning of Friday 15th December. We hope you are able to join us. This assembly is in lieu of the traditional afternoon assembly.

Student Leaders for 2024

At the beginning of this week we gathered with the Year 4 students to listen to our Year 5 students present their speeches as part of the school captain selection process. We were so impressed by the number of students who were putting their hand up for leadership and also the quality of their public speaking skills. I know all students will excel as leaders in the years to come.

Driving and Parking Around Our School

Numerous concerns have been raised regarding breaches of driving and parking rules in the streets around our school.  Some of the parking issues are causing congestion and frustration, especially when cars are illegally parked and left unattended.


We thank all parents who have been mindful of the above and ask everyone to ensure our community is a safe one. We will continue to explore ways to communicate this to the broader community.




Russell Watson                                                             Bronwyn Fitzgerald

Acting Principal                                                            Acting Assistant Principal