SRC Brimbank Young Researchers Program

Throughout the year, six students across year 7 to year 9 participated in the SRC Brimbank
Young Researchers Program. This program is designed to help students improve both their
leadership and research skills. The program took place across 4 sessions along with other
During the first session of this program, students were introduced to Brimbank youth service organisers and mentors of the program and went through some fun activities as an
introduction to the program. We were given the task of coming up with our research project
topic which we chose ‘Attitudes to School’. We chose this research topic as we found it an
interesting and not previously covered topic that we wanted to learn more about. In our
second session, we learnt about how we would collect the raw data we needed by interviewing
others with our carefully designed interview questions. We chose to interview a campus Principal, a parent and two students as we found that this would help provide us
with the necessary data we needed for the research project. The next phase was
interviewing our interviewees, collecting the data and transcribing the responses to help
keep it confidential.
Once we finished our third session, we started to work on our final presentation. We spent
multiple sessions fine tuning our final presentation by using all the data at hand . In these meetings, we created the slideshow and practised our speeches for delivery, getting
ourselves ready to present our findings of the reseach toThe Brimbank Council Mayor,
Councillors, Principals and teachers of secondary schools, families, Brimbank Young
Researchers team and mentors. For our final presentation session, we travelled to
Sunshine. We delivered a stunning presentation that we are extremely proud of. We even
had the opportunity to present our data to the school in the campus assembly. We had an
excellent time and have learnt so much about researching, analysing data, compiling into
research report and presenting.
The SRC team would like to thank Mr Dagher for accompanying us and to Mr Mugam for
organising all of the meetings and helping us make a stunning presentation. I would highly
recommend everyone to apply for SRC and the Brimbank Young Researchers Program.
Julia Portelli