Kings Park Campus Principal Message

Campus Principals Report- Kings Park
What a great, yet busy, year 2023 was. Our Year 10 students have formally completed their studies on the Campus. They are currently completing their examinations at the Delahey Campus prior to commencing ‘Step-up’ (where they undertake their Year 11 subject with their 2024 classroom teachers). The final event for our Year 10 students will be their formal, which is taking place this Wednesday evening. Our Year 7, 8 and 9 students are looking forward to our End-of-Year activities to celebrate what has been a productive and rewarding year for them.
School Concert
The College Performing Arts/Music students shone last Thursday (23/11). They displayed their musical talents to our school community. Thank you to all the staff who helped prepare and support students for their performances.
Grade 6 to Year 7 Info Evening
Our new Year 7 2024 students attended an Information evening with their families and had the opportunity to meet their 2024 CONNECT teachers. There were lots of excited faces and many questions about the upcoming transition to secondary school. Students will be returning to our campus on Tuesday December 12th for their official Orientation Day. Thank you to Tara Causer and Bobby Talevski for their organisation of the evening.
Vaping Workshops
Year 7 and 8 students (24/22) participated in a Blurred Minds workshop which introduced them to the harm associated with vaping. They learnt about the strategies vaping businesses were using to encourage young people and the community to engage in this harmful habit.
This information session was led by the students of challenge day teachers Mr Teseski and Mr Dench.Part of an initiative to raise awareness and reduce harm of the use of vapes in our community.
School Grounds
Our Maintenance Staff, together with Pam Grech (School Nurse), have supported students in the re-development of our nursery area. The students are currently growing various vegetables that are then used by our Food Technology Teachers.
We held our Campus Cultural Day, which was an overwhelming success. Students, and some staff, attended in their cultural dress, while others prepared additional food. We have a number of students perform a culturally-specific dance routine.
This year we were grateful for the continued support of ABCN. We were able to provide students with laptops to support their academic growth.
We finalised our interviews with current Grade 6 students who had submitted a scholarship application for 2024, Year 7. The interviews were impressive as students discussed their ‘areas of talent’ and what motivates them to do well at school.
We conducted our process for Student Leaders at Kings Park for 2024.
Year 10 and Year 9 Exams
The year 10 students have been involved in their exams at Delahey and this will continue until Thursday of this week.
The year 9 students will be involved in two days of exams using the KP gym on Thursday and Friday of this week.
End of Year Activities
We are looking forward to celebrating the achievements of all of our students this year and have made special arrangements for our current Year 10s that are accepting an award to be part of the assembly.
We are proud of the way our staff and students worked this year towards our Campus Goals:
Attendance and Belonging: Students at school, in class on time, and remaining in class (AIP)
(Attendance 2022 78%; 2023 to date, 85%; 53% at or above 90%; 75% above 80%)
Use of Routines: Use of fluid seating arrangements based on student data and need
Pride in the Environment: Respect for the environment students learn, play and socialise in, and in which we work (e.g. classrooms, corridors, toilets and the yard)
Student Acknowledgement: Notice when students do the ‘right thing’ or strive for their personal best, and let them know (71% of Compass Posts are positive)
We would like to conclude by acknowledging the significant contribution Pip has made to state education (40 years), with the last 10 years at Copperfield College.
Kind regards,
Mr Lance Petherick and Dr Michael Gruis Campus Principals