From the Office

Christmas Carols
Senior School Market Day
The Senior School students have been busy learning about Entrepreneurialism during their Inquiry unit this term. As part of this unit they investigated the difference between ‘needs’ and ‘wants’, ‘producers’ and ‘consumers’, and ‘goods’ and ‘services’. To celebrate their learning, the unit is culminating in a Market Day on Wednesday 6th December.
We are inviting students of LPS to be our customers on this day. There will be goods to buy (like smoothies and cupcakes), services to try (like temporary tattoos and hair spray) and games to play (basketball hoop and coin toss). If you would like your child to participate please send some money with your child to school on this day. Items will range in price from 50c to $5.00.
The money raised from Market Day will be donated to the Senior Schools’ selected charity, which is the Leukaemia Foundation.
This is sure to be a brilliant day!
Head Lice
All schools have recurring outbreaks with head lice, ours in not immune. Keeping hair tied back will help reduce a lice outbreak. Regular home checks will reduce this occurrence. We rely on parents to notify the school of occurrences involving their child to help reduce further cases.
Thank you
Kate & Bronwyn
Lost Property
We have many unnamed uniform items, lunch boxes and water bottles in our lost property. If your child/ren are missing any items could you please come to lost property to claim your items either before or after school. Lost property is located across the sick bay.
Any uniform not claimed by Monday 18th December, will be donated to the uniform shop.