A message from Kim

Strategies to Promote Resilience in Children
Please see the below link for a great resource that Learning Links have put together with some very practical strategies for how we can help our children to build resilience -
Learning Links describes resilience as ‘a person’s ability to manage adversity and bounce back from difficult life events. When a child overcomes a challenge, they develop a sense of achievement. This success helps children to build confidence in their own strengths and prepares them to face future bigger challenges’.
Justin Coulson, on his ‘Happy Families’ website has a whole section on Resilience in Children including links to including articles, books, podcasts, webinars -
You can also stay up to date with Justin Coulson’s latest resources by signing up to his newsletter where you will receive weekly updates, free resources, guides, downloadables and content - https://www.happyfamilies.com.au/subscribe
Parenting in the East - Parentzone Term 4 Newsletter
Just a reminder about this fabulous free online resource that we all have access to. It comes out 4 times per year and includes a range of news and information about programs and services to support parents across the Eastern Metropolitan Region of Melbourne. It also includes links to a range of helpful webinars and podcasts which are not time limited so you do not need to attend a program or workshop on a particular day or time -