Around The School

Olden Days

Year 2 students participated in an Olden Days experience to support their Term 4 learning. They tried making butter by shaking up cream, playing old games, creating paper dolls and experiencing an olden days classroom.

Public Speaking Grand Final






National Championship Golf Tournament

On Sunday 12th November I competed in the School Sport National Championship.  Six boys and four girls were picked for the State team and we flew to Perth to compete.  


After three days of amazing, tireless golf the boys came 1st in the well respected Nett Overall Trophy and 2nd place in the Craig Parry Championships.  In the Overall, the boys and girls combined their trophy and came an unlucky second place.  


It was a great tournament and a challenge for everyone with lots of learning opportunities.

-Shiwon, Year 6




Christmas Appeal

We are now collecting donations for the Anglicare Victoria Toy Appeal.  Below is a list of gift ideas, as well as information on how to make an online donation if you prefer.