Environment and Sustainability Committee

Litter and Waste at Kambrya College
Being a relatively large government school situated in the high growth corridor of Casey, we have a lot of waste and litter to manage! We are a growing school of approximately 1800 students with close to 150 staff. In Semester 1 of 2023, we decided to begin updating our ResourceSmart Schools (RSS) Waste module to assess our school’s performance and needs since returning to in-person teaching and learning.
The Year 10 Environment of the Earth Class (S1, 2023) conducted a Litter and Waste Audit to do just that. The Litter Audit was conducted by first identifying known litter hotspots around the school. These areas were then cleaned up, and the quantities and types of litter were recorded. The Waste Audit was conducted by selecting key representative bins from around the college. The entire contents of classroom paper and general waste bins were inspected, counted, categorised, and sorted. About ¼ of the contents of larger wheelie bins were also counted, categorised, and sorted. The remainder of the contents were visually assessed to estimate contamination. Results from both audits were analysed and presented to school leadership by the students.
We found, regarding litter:
- That the canteen was a major hotspot with most of our findings coming from there. In the central courtyard/canteen area, rubbish was evenly spread except for the canteen where there was more litter compared to other areas.
- Across the school, there was a total of 126 pieces of soft plastic and 43 small pieces of paper found as litter.
Regarding waste:
32% of rubbish found in the general waste bin could be diverted into composting (8%) or recycling (24%).
89% of rubbish found in the comingled recycling bin was contamination. This included 11% organics.
We found only 3% contamination rate in paper bins.
Next Steps
During the auditing process, we had difficulties with deciding how to collect data for the waste audit. Luckily, we had the help of our CRES facilitator Emma Grace. Together, we decided to use visual inspection and a smaller sample from our larger bins. For future
audits, we plan to have a bucket for each category of waste for each bin being audited, so bins can all be assessed at once and thus improve the efficiency and accuracy of the auditing process.
Through the process of auditing litter and waste, we have achieved a greater awareness in the Environment of the Earth class about litter and correct bin use. Formation of a Waste Action Plan with the Environment and Sustainability Committee has also been accomplished and contributes to our Waste Module on RSS. It is in the approval process now with school leadership. Additionally, the development of a composting system with the canteen and Food Technology departments is underway. This was initiated and implemented by our 2023 Sustainability Coordinator Iulia Popa-Mateiu and will be further developed by Stacey Rindel in 2024.
Our next steps are outlined in the Waste Action Plan. Key proposed actions include increasing bin signage to assist reduction of recycling contamination, announcements and news items about correct recycling processes, participation in Clean Up Australia Day, and surveying our Composting system. We also aim to reassess litter and waste in S2 2024 to track progress and set new goals.
by Ms Stacey Rindel
Recycling bins are placed around the school for special items that have a more difficult way to recycle. Namely, pens and batteries. They have some specific locations around the school and we as a committee are working to put out more bins as soon as we can. If you go to the bins, they also have the rules on what can be placed in there alongside what will be done with them. Briefly, they will be taken to Officeworks and they will safely recycle them.
Currently, this are how they are distributed:
A pen and battery recycling bin in the new senior building in front of Senior 5 and the new later years office.
A pen and battery recycling bin in the Bulen Bulen building next to the Student Voice Box on the table outside of the staff office (near the Hair and Beauty Salon).
A pen and battery recycling bin in the Gwonawa building directly in front of the staff office.
A pen recycling bin in the Warin staff office (just ask the teachers if you want to place a pen in the bin, they'll be more than happy to help).