GIRLs Program


During commencement, the GIRL’s Program has been focusing on Share the Dignity. Share the Dignity is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting women and girls experiencing homelessness or financial crisis by providing them with access to essential sanitary items. The organization believes that every woman should have the right to dignity, respect, and the opportunity to live a life free from poverty.

Inspired by the noble cause championed by Share the Dignity, our students have wholeheartedly embraced the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. They have organized this initiative to raise awareness and donations for the program, demonstrating a remarkable commitment to social responsibility. The success of these efforts has been nothing sort of remarkable, with

our students, teachers, and parents coming together to support the Share the Dignity program. Through their dedication and hard work, our community has not only raised awareness but also made a tangible impact on the lives

of those in need. We are immensely proud of our students for their unwavering commitment to social responsibility and their dedication to making the world a better place. Together, we can continue to inspire change and create a more compassionate and inclusive society.


by Ms Stacey Amery

GIRL's Coordinator, Drama, English