Year 11 News

KLD Young Scholars Program

The Kwong Lee Dow (KLD) Young Scholars Program is an academic enrichment program offered by the University of Melbourne that gives opportunities to high achieving (both in terms of academics and community involvement) Year 11 & 12 students. It provides opportunities to extend themselves with an insight into university life, as well as connecting high achieving students with their peers from all across Victoria. Participating in the program does not mean students begin university after completing Year 10 and is not a formal scholarship. The program also does not commit students to attending Melbourne University, nor does it guarantee entry.

Jesse’s story

Recently, I found out that the University of Melbourne had selected me to participate in the KLD Young Scholars Program after I submitted my application in August. I was elated with the news as I have always strived to maximise my potential in both schoolwork and community involvement and I’ve been very keen on a Bachelor of the Arts with a major in Politics for some time now; this is a great opportunity learn more and broaden my horizons. If I’m being honest, I wasn’t sure if I’d be accepted as the application for the program said that we needed to be in the top 5% of our year level from our school, but I was encouraged by Kim Tiller (Kambrya College’s Year 10-11 Careers Advisor) to apply because I had nothing to lose and so much to gain. I was also proud to have the backing and support of the Year 10 Student Engagement Team with whom I have formed close bonds with this past year. I was delighted to hear that I will share the experience with my close friend, Aish, whose support has been incredibly uplifting since I met her. I look forward to connecting with other students like me at our welcome event at UniMelb’s Parkville campus in January and can’t wait to see where the program takes me!


Aish’s story

Initially, I was extremely hesitant to apply for this program and doubted my abilities to meet the high criteria for KLD Young Scholars. However, my friend, Jesse, my mum, and the most amazing Careers Advisor, Kim Tiller, strongly encouraged me to apply, and I am so grateful for their support throughout the application process! They helped me believe in myself and go for it. I am excited to meet like-minded individuals like me, who enjoy focusing on not just academics but also holistic development in life. I genuinely think that academics are not the be all end all, and I love that this program reinforces that; the university encourages students to explore their interests and not confine themselves to school studies. I am looking forward to the exposure that comes with being a KLD Scholar and hope to share my learnings with our Kambrya community! A huge thank you my family, friends and the extremely supportive staff members at our school for making this happen.

Jesse Barnett (11E) and Aish Anand (11L)