Principal's Message

Dear parents/guardians/carers, students, staff and community members,
It’s been a massive few weeks to finish of the year!
Year 12 Valedictory Evening
It was my pleasure to join our graduating Year 12 students at Bunjil Place a few weeks ago as they came together with their families to celebrate the end of their school journey. It was a fantastic night, and it was lovely to see all students sharing their special moment with their families. Massive thanks to all of the staff who went above and beyond to coordinate the evening, particularly the Senior School leadership team.
Exams and commencement program
All students from Year 7 to Year 12 recently completed their end of year examinations. Congratulations to the vast majority of students who prepared themselves for the exams and completed them to the best of their ability. We then launched our four week 2024 Commencement Program, which saw all students roll up to their new classes for 2024, including their new teachers. Sincere thanks to all teachers and support staff who have been working tirelessly to get the school ready for both of these important programs.
Teachers have been very busy finalising student assessment and reports. Semester two reports will be uploaded to Compass for all families before the end of the last day this year. Please take the time to log on and have a look at your child’s learning progress.
Signing off (for now)
As I announced earlier in the year, I am heading off on long service leave for all of 2024. My wife and I are taking our two daughters around Australia for the year. Martin McDonald will be the Acting Principal for all of 2024. I again reiterate our confidence that Martin will do an exceptional job, and I ask you all to please give him your full support. It has been my privilege and honour to lead this school over the last six years. It is a very special place. As I outlined in the letter that I sent you all earlier in the term, we’ve achieved some extraordinary things together. Please continue to look after it, and work together as a community to make it the best that it can be.
I wish all of you a fantastic summer, and if you celebrate Christmas, then I wish you a very merry one. I also wish all of you a brilliant 2024. To our wonderful staff, I want to extend a special thank you for your admirable endurance, your unwavering commitment to your students, and for your support of me too. You are an extraordinary group of professionals.
Yours sincerely,
Keith Perry