High School

Year 7 Film Festival

From Tuesday 5 December - Friday 8  December, inclusive, Year 7 students will participate in the upcoming Film Festival. During this period, they will work in groups to conceive, shoot, edit, and present a short film. Each film will be tied to one of the key Quaker Testimonies: Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Earthcare. Additionally, groups will creatively integrate a symbolic prop, unveiled on Tuesday morning. Students will assume various roles such as writer, actors, director, director of photography (camera operator), sound and visual editor.


For the duration of the four days, students are permitted to wear their full sports uniform. The daily routine will commence with the usual tutor session on the High School Campus, followed by meeting at the Weet-Bix before walking with staff over to the Argyle Street Campus. The Film Festival will take place in the new Middle School building (Clemes), offering students an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the campus layout and surroundings before 2024.


The following adjustments to the daily routine will be implemented:

  • Recess will be held at the Argyle Street Campus, and students may use the canteen on this site if needed.
  • Lunch will take place at the High School Campus, where students can access the canteen and continue placing lunch orders if desired.
  • All students will be dismissed from the Argyle Street Campus at 3:35 pm, except for Wednesday, which remains an early dismissal at 2:55 pm. 
  • Parents collecting their children are encouraged to use Boa Vista Road to alleviate traffic congestion.
  • Regarding mobile phone usage, as the Middle School transitions in 2024, support is requested to ensure responsible technology management. The Middle School will be a phone-free zone during recess to show collective support for the Morris Campus. In case of urgent concerns or family emergencies during this break, parents are requested to contact their child through the High School reception.

Students have been instructed to work cooperatively, creatively, collaboratively, and with commitment. Group assignments and general information will be emailed to students before next Tuesday. The festival will culminate in P5 and P6 on Friday afternoon, 8 December, in the Bill and Majorie Oats Theatre at the High School Campus. 


For any further queries or questions, parents or students are encouraged to reach out to Luke Edmunds or Lindy Gannon.

Orientation Session - Year 11 2024 Students

Tuesday 5 December – 8.40am to 12.55pm

The year 11 orientation of the Senior School will be held on Tuesday 5th December.


The formal part of the Orientation Program will begin at 8.40am in The Farrall Centre. The first session will be an opportunity to introduce key members of staff and share more details about the plans for the new Senior School program in 2024. This will be followed by sessions specifically tailored for TCE and IB Diploma pathways. Other workshops will include a wellbeing session addressing topics such as building positive relationships and other aspects of campus life including student support options and community service opportunities as well as the opportunity to take part in House meetings for an interactive planning session.


Students are to bring their own morning tea and lunch for this day. A reminder that normal timetabled classes will resume following the lunch break for current Year 10 students. All students should wear their school uniform. No other equipment is required for the orientation sessions.


 For more information please contact Adam Chambers.

ABC Radio Christmas Performance, Secondary Choirs

Monday 4 December

On the 4th of December, the year 7-12 choirs have been invited to sing Christmas Carols live on the ABC radio. The broadcast will start at approximately 9:30am and will be accessible via the ABC playback feature on the ABC radio website. 

Colony 47 Christmas Appeal

November 13 - December 8

Each year Colony 47 host a Christmas lunch providing food, companionship and Christmas spirit to people in need. The event has been running for 40 years, and relies on donations of time, food, gifts and funds. This year, Unwin 4 and Hodgkin 7 are helping to support Colony 47 by collecting gift cards, children’s toys and both male and female toiletries. If any members of our community are able to support this drive to support the Christmas Lunch please bring donations to Lainey (Unwin 4), Casey-Rae (Hodgkin 7), or the High School Office. Donations will be accepted from November 13-December 8.

2023 Term Dates 

Term 4: Monday 16 October - Tuesday 12 December

High School – Years 7 to 10 Office

6210 2235  |  hsoffice@friends.tas.edu.au

8am – 4pm Monday – Friday