Principal's News

Ms Grace Carlo-Stella


Dear Parents,


As we swiftly approach Term Four's conclusion, the following are updates on upcoming events.

Upcoming Events:

  • Swimming Lessons: Over the next two weeks, our students will dive into swimming lessons. Please ensure your child is well-prepared with their swim gear and ready to make a splash!
  • Movie Day: In December we celebrate the Feast of St Francis Xavier. To celebrate this day the whole school has a day out at the movies. The event will be sent shortly on Compass. We require parents to assist with this event.                       
  • Last Day of School: The school year for students will officially conclude on December 15, 2023. On this day, we will have a Mass of Thanksgiving, during which we will also announce the Year Six student leaders for 2024. All students are expected to attend this special occasion. I am aware that invitations for this mass have been sent out and it would be lovely to have you all be present at the mass and the morning tea.                                                                
  • Year Six Reflection Day: Today, our Year Six students spent a meaningful day together, reflecting on their time at St. Francis Xavier and envisioning the future. They also prepared for their Mass of Graduation. Thank you to Mrs. Isabella Barbera for organising this insightful day and the teachers who accompanied our students, Mr Nick Criniti, Mrs Connie Pinto-Hayes, Mrs Janine Hannigan and our practicum student Miss Stefania Leornadi.

Compass Updates:

We understand that many parents are inquiring about important dates. Please be reminded that all dates, including those for swimming lessons, the last day of school, and other events, are available on Compass. We strongly encourage you to check Compass regularly for updates, as it is the primary platform for communication regarding school activities.


Permission on Compass

To ensure a smooth and organised execution of events, we kindly request parents to complete permission forms for their children in a timely manner. It takes considerable time for our office staff to contact parents who haven't completed the necessary events. Please note that students cannot attend events if the school has not received permission. 

If you are having issues with Compass, please get in touch with the office and the admin staff if you require further assistance.

Your cooperation in promptly completing the permission on Compass is greatly appreciated, as it allows us to focus on creating enriching experiences for our students.

Year Two Stories

Today, I had the privilege of listening to some of our Year Two students as they enthusiastically read their stories aloud. I am thrilled to report that their writing demonstrated remarkable maturity and skill.

The stories presented were persuasive texts that showcased confident writing and an impressive attention to detail. The students employed expressive language to convey their thoughts and ideas, making for a truly engaging experience. It's inspiring to witness such growth and creativity in our young learners.

As we approach the end of the term, let us continue to encourage and support the development of our students' talents and passions.

Thank you for being an integral part of our St. Francis Xavier School community.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to celebrating the achievements of our students.


Kind regards,

Grace Carlo-Stella
