Parents Club

Information & Upcoming PC Events

End of Year Staff Gifts

Please also check your Compass News Feed for the gift giving links including David's farewell. 


2024 Parents Club

There will be a new format to the Parents Club in 2024, and we would love for lots of parents to be involved!  In line with DET requirements, we have submitted a new constitution for approval by DET that details the way Parents Club will be run.   


Key things to note are:

1. All executive roles are to be filled via a nomination/voting system annually.  Nominate yourself or someone else (with their permission of course!), come along to the AGM in February to vote or be voted in!


2. Parents are required to register to be able to vote at meetings. Voting will be used to help determine the events or programs to be run during the year, selecting the executive team and anything else parent’s club related that requires a parents community decision.


3. Registration forms are available at the office, or via the QR code below, and will also be added to the school website in the coming weeks.  Please return all signed forms to the school office (DET requirement).  We recommend doing this as soon as you get a chance, but it can be done all through the year.


4. Being a registered member doesn’t mean you have to come to every meeting, but it will keep you in the loop about what is being discussed at meetings.  If you want to have your voice counted about anything PC related you must be registered.


5. Meetings will have the option for online attendance as well as in person at school.


6.  We are hoping to set up volunteer lists for the whole year for key recurring activities.  This would be made available at the AGM, and people can sign up to help for icy pole days, fruit cutting for Prep-G2 and lost property sorting.


7. We encourage all parents to register for Parents Club 2024.  This doesn’t mean you are signing up for a huge time commitment, or that you have to come to all meetings or that you will end up doing all the volunteering.  Be a part of it, and only offer time or skills that works for your schedule.


8. Our aim is simply to establish a wider parents community, to allow parent input and feedback on Parents Club programs, and to have a wider reach to a volunteers / specialist skills base to share the load.  This way we can continue to do these amazing events that the kids (and parents) love and that make the school great!!

Note - If you would like a copy of this constitution, please email Parents Club 

2024 Friendship Lists

Forms are now available for signing up to 2024 Friendship lists.  Please start filling these out!


Key things to note:

  1. You do not need to know your child's class for 2024 to complete the form.  The children will be allocated to the correct class list in February.
  2. More than one form can  be completed for a child(ren), for example if there are multiple households relating to that child.
  3. For new Foundation students starting in 2024, a list will be sent out mid-December to enable children to meet up over the school holidays.
  4. All grades will be sent class lists at the start of February, and further updates provided as required.
  5. Contact details will also be sent to the whole year for those that have selected the option to allow details to be distributed to the whole year. 
  6. Please consider whether to sign up as a class rep, and tick the box on the form!
  7. Access the friendship list form at or use the QR code as follows:

Friendship lists are great to: 

  • know who the other kids are your child’s class 
  • have parent contact details to set up play dates with classmates 
  • have contact details for sending out kids’ birthday invites 
  • meet the parents of your child’s classmates 
  • be on a distribution list (WhatsApp, email etc) to check in with other parents

Class Reps

It’s really important to have a class rep for each class, especially in the younger grades. 

It is not a big commitment, but it does add a lot to the school community 


Suggested Class Rep tasks for the year: 

  • Send out the Friendship List to the parents included on the list (this will be sent to you) 
  • Organise a distribution group for parents, such as WhatsApp, FB messenger group or email. 
  • Send requests for volunteers via the distribution group as advised by Parents Club (not often!) 
  • Organise end of year present for the teacher if class chooses to (eg easy via GroupTogether) 
  • Organise catch ups for parents or parents/kids - this can just be a play at the park after school, fish and chips on the Newport library lawn or dinner/drinks at a local venue.   

What is Parents Club?

The aim of our Parents Club is to bring the NLPS community together while having some fun. We raise funds for school equipment, resources for the children and also charities in our community. Some events that we run include:

  • Second Hand Uniform Sale
  • Cake Stall
  • Parent Social Nights
  • Icy Pole Day
  • Weekly Fresh Fruit Platter for Foundation - Year 2
  • Mothers & Fathers Day Celebrations
  • World Teachers Day Celebration
  • New Foundation Student Play Dates

Can you help?

Parents Club is a great way to get involved with the school community, meet other parents & give back to our wonderful school. 


We are always looking for new fundraising ideas and would love your input! You might have some great examples of fundraising or events at other schools that you would like to share with us. Perhaps you have specialist skills and you are willing to donate your time.

You can contact us at any time viaemail