Round Square donate food to the Food Bank for Christmas Hampers

The Christmas season holds so much joy and excitement for a lot of us. However, we all know that for many the season is also hard as families struggle to make ends meet. The Round Square Committee wanted to help spread a little Christmas cheer this year, so they sent out an invitation to the school community. 


‘Houses and TGs please collect non perishable items so we can donate food to the Food Bank for Christmas hampers. Let’s do our part for our community’.


Our dynamic Heads of House were incredibly supportive so the Round Square committee members got to work by spreading the word in House meetings, assemblies and in Tutor Group time.  Our wonderful St Philip's families responded so generously. Collection day saw food coming from all corners of the school and students across the year levels enthusiastically helping out, carrying boxes and bags and even sorting into piles. Ramona our RS Captain did a great job coordinating the collection efforts.  


Thank you so much to all those who donated food, to those who have contributed money, to those who helped collect and carry items and to those extra helpful senior students who transported all the food in their cars to the Food Bank.  It was a wonderful community effort and hopefully it can make Christmas a little easier and a little more enjoyable for some families in Alice this season. 


~ Alexandra Pollitt

Teacher - Head of Griffiths House