Inquiry Centre


Selamat Siang, 

It has been another awesome week in the Inquiry Centre. On Monday the 2024 1/2 Team met to plan for next year. Students enjoyed a day of Specialist classes and rehearsals for the Christmas Concert. 


The Christmas Concert was a great night! Students have been working hard to learn their special songs and choreography to perform for you. Thank you to all the families who came along and joined in the evening. 


We hope you have a fantastic week!

Mrs Hirvonen, Mrs Seadon, Mrs Moroney, Miss Molloy, Mrs Danes, Mrs Martin and Mr Jenkins

Student Voice

  • "My favourite part of the Christmas Concert was eating the hot dogs." - Yvon Z
  • "I liked when we were singing on stage." -Aiden K
  • "My favourite thing about the Christmas Concert was EVERYTHING!" - Maria M
  • "I liked singing" - Sabrina R
  • "We loved performing with Junior Choir" - Izzy D & Chloe L


  • Students all need to be wearing hats throughout Term 4. Please ensure your child has a named hat with them at school.
  • Step Up Week - Wednesday 13th- Friday 15th: Students will return to their 2023 classroom at the end of the day on Friday. 
  • Please pack extra snacks/lunch in your child's lunchbox to ensure they have enough food for the whole day.

Pupil of the Week

1/2H: Gabriel L - For consistently demonstrating teamwork. You are always looking to help and include others, keep up the great work Gabriel!


1/2J: Stella F - For showing perseverance and creativity when writing a letter to Mrs Streitberger. You did a great job using paragraphs and responding to feedback to improve your work. Fantastic work!


1/2KD: Mallory M - For demonstrating independence and perseverance when writing your Christmas Concert recount. You wrote full sentences and paragraphs and included capital letters and full stops. Fantastic work, Mallory!


1/2M:  Finn G - For showing a love of learning when approaching any task. Your big smile and excitement shine through. Keep up the great work! 


1/2SM:  Chloe C - For always showing kindness to others. You are a caring friend and classmate. You always display a positive attitude and we love the delightful energy you bring to our class!