Independence Centre


Selamat Siang,


On Tuesday the 3/4 had a planning day where they planned and discussed a wide range of learning opporunties for next year.  We participated in activities like P.E, Art, Indonesia , Music, Science and we practised Christmas concert songs. 


This week the 3/4s had their Christmas concert where they performed the songs 'Christmas where the Gum Trees Grow' and 'Groovy Christmas'. They really enjoyed it. We had barbecues set up so that all families, students and teachers could eat. We had sausages,burgers and drinks.


Student Voice:

Isaac 3/4W: I really enjoyed looking after the hermit crabs.

Sahib 3/4T:  I really enjoyed the Christmas concert!

Tom 3/4RB: I enjoyed Planning Day because we got a day of Specialists.

Archer 3/4H: I enjoyed playing sport because we got to have free time.   

Owen 3/4C: I really enjoyed Planning Day because I liked all the Specialists.


  • Please ensure your child/ren has a named hat at school
  • Step Up Week - Wednesday 13th- Friday 15th: Students will return to their 2023 classroom at the end of the day on Friday

Pupil of the Week

3/4C: Troy M

For demonstrating zest during the Independence Centre performance at the Christmas Concert. It was great to see you performing so confidently in front of an audience!


3/4H: Mitchell W

For demonstrating perseverance and creativity when investigating tesselations. It was wonderful to see your interesting designs and enthusiasm. 


3/4RB: Nathan E

For demonstrating love of learning when investigating growing patterns. It was wonderful to see your curiosity when exploring how to use materials, tables and graphs to represent the growth!


3/4T: Harper C

For demonstrating bravery and a love of learning when writing, practising, and delivering your persuasive speech in Term Four. It was fantastic to see your confidence when presenting, and you should be proud of your efforts!


3/4T: Brandon P

For demonstrating a love of learning and perseverance when exploring extended equations in mathematics this week.


3/4W: Jason D

For demonstrating perseverance and creativity when using the multilinks to spell tricky words. Great work explaining the meaning of the words!