Leadership Centre


Selamat Siang!


As we approach the end of the school year, the Leadership Centre has been buzzing with excitement. The Year 6s have been hard at work preparing for Graduation. Ivy S (5/6L) shares: "We've been writing speeches and singing our Year 6 song. We have worked so hard on everything. We are really excited leading up to the event, but as it comes closer it gets even more real.  While the year 6s have been practising for Graduation, the Year 5s have been drawing a portrait of a Year 6 student. The drawing includes a picture of their selected Year 6 and their favourite thing and hobbies."


On Wednesday, the weather was on our side, as the school came together for the MPRPS Christmas Concert. Aashvi and Kimaya (5/6L) share: "Sleigh bells, jingle bells rock,17 days till Christmas! So many amazing performances, A humongous thanks to Miss Cullen for stepping in to help make our Christmas Concert a success! We had a great time performing in front of our family and friends.  Burgers and sodas...yummy! Thanks to the P&F committee for our delicious BBQ!" 


With the last marketplace being held this week, 'Earn and Learn' has now come to a close. The students have loved every moment... learning real-life skills, including budgeting, negotiating rental spaces, opening up a store front and making their first purchases. 


Have a wonderful week, 

The Leadership Centre



  • Graduation rehearsal for Year 6s on Monday at New Hope
  • Year 6 Orientation on Tuesday
  • Step Up Week: Wednesday 13th- Friday 15th: Students will return to their 2023 classroom at the end of the day on Friday.
  • Graduation tickets, rehearsal excursion information up on Sentral
  • Hats, sunscreen and water bottles as we enter the warmer months

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Sophie J 

For demonstrating leadership, zest and responsibility in running the School Christmas Concert. Amazing work.


5/6D:  Zac H

You have demonstrated responsibility and a love of learning when working independently to create your theme park in Maths! 


5/6GD: Grace H

For demonstrating creativity and enthusiasm during Earn and Learn sessions to run multiple profitable businesses! 


5/6J:  Liam W

For demonstrating enthusiasm during all Guided Inquiry sessions and collaboratively working with your peers to make a successful business.


5/6L:  Arsheya T

For demonstrating teamwork and leadership while assisting your peers to complete the Pleasant Podcast and bring it to fruition.