Principal's Message

Term 4 Week 10

Step Up

Mount Pleasant Road Primary School’s Step Up Transition Program presents an exciting opportunity for students to get to know their peers and teachers for 2024. The purpose of the program is to give students the opportunity to develop peer connections and experience school as they will in 2024. 


Students going into Years Two, Four and Six in 2024 will serve as mentors for peers throughout the program. Current Foundation students will experience being in multi-age, flexible learning spaces for the first time. Our current Year Two students will investigate what it means to move up into the Senior School and will begin familiarising themselves with the 1:1 BYO iPad Program. Finally, current Year Four students will explore the increased responsibility of becoming members of the Leadership Centre. Step Up complements our Transition to School Program, which includes Foundation orientation sessions in the classroom, and our Step Up to Secondary Program designed especially for Year Six studentsThe Step Up to Secondary Program features a high-school style timetable with a focus on time- and self-management.


The Step Up Transition Program also provides teachers with more time to get to know their incoming students, to develop relationships and to communicate procedures, protocols and expectations. This will assist teachers in planning engaging lessons for Term One that pique students’ interests and address their next steps for learning. Through the Step Up Transition Program and incorporated Step Up to Secondary Program, we hope to provide students with the knowledge, skills and experiences required for a smooth transition into 2024.


The Big Reveal!

What is happening with the displays in Reception!

2024 Planning

On Thursday the 2024 Senior Leadership Team comprising of myself, the two assistant principals, two learning specialists and leading teacher met at the Regional Office. The day centred around discussing and planning for our Annual Implementation Plan 2024 goals and the subsequent key improvement strategies and actions to be implemented. This was an important opportunity to have time offsite to consolidate the necessary planning to ensure the identified strategies and activities will be actioned through School Improvement Team (SIT) meetings as well as during Professional Learning Communities (PLC) sessions that will in turn make a positive impact at the classroom level. The end goal from the planned AIP work is ultimately to see improved student outcomes with all learners achieving personal growth as well as feeling safe and engaged in their learning.

Christmas Concert

It was wonderful to see our school and Kindergarten parents, family members and friends join together on Wednesday evening for the Community Christmas Concert.  All year levels including our Kinder groups who had been well rehearsed in the previous weeks performed their Christmas songs with confidence and a high level of energy. The Choir groups as well as the Dance Troupe also performed at a high standard. We even had the Grinch come and visit!

 We thank all of the teachers for their organisation in the lead up to the concert. We particularly wish to thank Miss Sarah Cullen for her expertise and enthusiasm in leading the rehearsals and for her overall organisation of the event. We trust that everyone who attended the event had a great time watching the performances and strengthening connections with others in their community.


Thank you to the wonderful families who gave their time at the Christmas Concert B.B.Q:

Leonie Semmens, Jess Walker, Rick & Miranda Starkey, Tegan Ma, Keryn Lewis, 

Mary Dravis, Kristie Cooper, Varsha Jaidev, Farzad Alamdara, Bethany Koh, Mona Andaliab, Alice Prescott and Mary Drivas.

Street Library Update

Firstly, we thank the families that contacted us about assisting with the Street Library over the January holiday period. The Duyvestyn family will look after and replenish the library over the holiday break. We thank them in advance for taking on this additional responsibility. Please feel free to keep accessing our wonderful street library over the holiday time.