Wally Rewards

This week we had two students that decided to use their Wally Rewards for making announcements on our PA system.

Congratulations Nikolah and Indianna from Grade 1/2


Both girls were nervous at first, they both did a fantastic job over the two days, they announced so very well we decided to give other students from various classes an opportunity to call an announcement over the PA







Attendance for the fortnight



Congratulations Grade 3/4A


 Congratulations to our students for the most Sentral Positives for the fortnight

School Wide Positive Behaviour

Congratulations to these students for consistently demonstrating our school values and receiving achievement awards for the most positives on Sentral. Congratulations, Isaac, Skye, Celeste, Will BY, Will W, Macey and Billie


Congratulations to Gurburr House