Year 5

Grade 5 Term 3 Wrap-Up

Term 3 in Grade 5 has been filled with exciting learning adventures! In Religion, we explored the Creation story and reflected on our responsibilities as caretakers of the Earth. We also explored the rich history of the early Catholic Church in Australia 

Our novel study of August and Jones explored the inspiring journeys of August and Jones, encouraging students to reflect on empathy, kindness, and the importance of accepting differences. Students were inspired as they wrote creative letters connecting real-world role models to the personal challenges of August.

In Maths, Grade 5 students explored multiplicative relationships, addition, and measurement, while also diving into the world of shapes. They worked on identifying and classifying different shapes, understanding their properties, and applying this knowledge to real-world measurement problems, enhancing their overall mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills.

Geography was a highlight, as we investigated different types of environments, focusing on rainforests and their importance. Students examined the impact of deforestation and human activities on these vital ecosystems. 

In Science, we took a journey through space, exploring the planets and their unique characteristics, we looked at other objects in our solar system space exploration. A grade favourite was using Oreos to create the phases of the moon.

We were also lucky to have guest speakers who inspired us with their insights on poetry as well as personal development. It’s been a term of growth, creativity, and discovery—we’re excited for what Term 4 will bring!