Book Week

One more sleep until our book parade with all of our special visitors! How exciting! It has been a busy week sewing late into the night to complete my costume. My character is from a book that was written in 1956 by Dodie Smith. This costume involved finding many dogs and their spotty fur. Apologies if your spotty dog is missing its jacket, fur grows back (perhaps). Grandparents and special visitors should leave their dogs at home and bring in a book.
The theme for Book Week this year is “Reading is Magic”. Our costume parade and a visit from Grandparents/Special People will begin tomorrow morning at 9:00am in the Gym. The Library Action Team (TLAT) looks forward to welcoming everyone tomorrow.
This year TLAT are asking for all Grandparents/Special People to donate a book. This book will have a special dedication with the child’s name and their own. Doesn’t get better than that! At the front office you will find a box where books can be dropped off and slips to fill in with the names. Books are welcome on the day, just remember to include the names on a slip of paper please. We already have so many wonderful books that have been donated.
The Premiers’ Reading Challenge is still happening. TLAT have been enjoying reading everyone’s book reviews and sharing certificates with our keen bookworms. Alphington Primary School have read a total number of 1139 books and the numbers keep rising each day. Keep up the reading and add those books! The challenge concludes on the 6th September.
Happy Reading Folks!