From the Year 4 Classroom
It was another fun-filled fortnight in Year 4. A big highlight of this fortnight was Book Week activities and the annual Book Week Parade. Everyone looked amazing! (especially the teachers!)
In Reading, we have begun to look at persuasive texts and the techniques authors use to persuade readers to believe their point of view or take a specific action. This includes techniques like alliteration, facts, opinion, emotive language, rhetorical questions and statistics
In Writing, we are learning about how to write a persuasive text ensuring that we include the techniques authors use. We are exploring different persuasive texts, including news articles to look at how the writer hooks the reader in, states their claim and uses evidence to support their stance/opinion. Pen Licenses have begun to be handed out! It’s been an exciting time!
In Numeracy we have been focusing on:
- Money and relating this to everyday life. Cash is KING!!!
- Calculating change to the nearest five cents.
- Budgeting and financial planning – look out parents- your kids might want to plan a party or go on a holiday after this activity!
Thank you to those who have been helping their child learn their timetables. The improvement in this area has been pleasing to see!!! Keep at it!
In Religion we are learning about the topic ‘Jesus Models Forgiveness.’ In this unit, students will learn about the four steps of forgiveness, making good choices and saying sorry to others.
We wish the Year 3s and Tate McGlynn-Phillips all the best for their Sacrament of Reconciliation.
In Inquiry, we have continued our learning on Civics and Citizenship. We have been learning about levels of government in Australia, rules and laws. Towards the end of this term, students will be preparing and presenting an oral presentation for a new law proposal in Australia.