From the Year Prep Classroom
In Reading we are beginning to learn about Narrative texts. We have been listening to a variety of shortlisted texts to celebrate Book Week and using our 5 finger retell to discuss the characters, setting, beginning, middle and end of the story. We enjoyed learning our poem 'Beach Trip' to recite at the Poetry Slam!
In Writing we have retold narrative text's using a series of short sentences to describe what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the text. We have been focussing on identifying the problem and solution that occurs within the text.
In Maths we have been exploring patterns and how we can continue and create our own patterns using shape, colour and numbers. We have also been learning about the value of Australian Coins and Notes and how we use money in everyday lives.
In Religion we are learning about the special book we use to find out about God and Jesus, The Bible. We have shared some of our own special books/things that we have at home.
We had a wonderful time celebrating Book Week and enjoyed the special opportunities to explore new stories and participate in a variety of creative experiences throughout the week!
A few reminders from the prep team:
Please bring drink bottles and hats each day.
If fruit break could come in a separate container that would be greatly appreciated.
Words are tested on Fridays. On occasions we may have time to do them throughout the week.
Thanks from the Prep Team