Catholic Identity 

Catholic Identity Report


Next Wednesday evening, (4th September) 31 children will make the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The children have enthusiastically participated in their preparation and are very excited about the upcoming ceremony. Everyone in our school community is invited to join us.

Parents of the candidates a letter with final details will be sent home this week.

We ask you keep the following children in your prayers.


Declan Bankier

Mitchell Blomeley

Levi Bott

Tom Bruce

Ernie Buerckner

Rory Buerckner

Matilda Courtney

Lexi Cummins

Oliver Cummins

Olivia Deglaitis

Josephine Dowling

Zoe Dowling

Paddy Doyle

Jack Hawking

Sam Hicks

Nash Johnson

Charlotte Kaine

Olive Kelly

Annabelle Kennedy

Alexander Mulquiney

Tate McGlynn-Phillips

Ned O’Brien

Nelly O’Donoghue

Darcy O’Dwyer

Oliver Page

Isla Parker

Indianna Perks

Chelsea Seal

Farley Simmons

Elizabeth Thomas

Mackenzie Wright


Children’s Liturgy

Just a reminder, every 4th Sunday Natalie Crummy will run Children's Liturgy during the 9am Mass. The children will explore the readings of the day in a fun way helping make the Liturgy more meaningful to them. This is open to all children up to Year 6.


Have a great week, 

Meegan McInness 

Catholic Identity Leader