Principal's Report

What an interesting introduction to Spring this week. I hope everyone was able to stay safe during the wild weather earlier this week.
We hope all our dads and father figures had a wonderful day celebrating their special day on Sunday, and we want you to know that we did not forget about acknowledging you all at WEPS. We are hoping dads/father figures are up for getting their footy colours on (or favourite sport colours) and joining us for some activities in the classroom on Friday 20th September between 8.50 and 10am. We are also providing the opportunity for a special lunch order on this day, please place orders using the link attached to the flyer and bring your hot dog money on the day.
Thank you to our small number of parents who attended the Structured Literacy information session on Monday night. We understand the weather may have impacted some people and plan to provide recording options in the future. We also plan to repeat the session towards the end of term 1 next year. Through this information session our intention is to develop your understanding of how we teach at each age and stage as well as strengthen your knowledge of how to support your child at home.
Next week (Monday 9th September) we are inviting parents in to view a School Anxiety webinar presented by Michelle Mitchell and Karen Young. We will provide the link for parents to view at home if unable to attend, but strongly encourage attendance so that we can support discussions and a deeper understanding. The session will begin at 6.30 until 8pm.
It has certainly been a busy term and we are looking forward to a positive finish to term 3. We have had some staffing changes. Lisa Guthrie (Diversity and Inclusion Leader) returned to her position with the Region. Lisa did some wonderful work with us and we sincerely thank Lisa for her contributions and support to many of our families. We have been very lucky to appoint Mrs Nicole Farrelly to this role a couple of weeks ago. Nicole has just started with us and already getting to know so many students and families. Nicole has a wealth of knowledge and lots of experience in the diversity and inclusion space and has recently completed her Masters of Behaviour Analysis. I would like to welcome Nicole and know that she will be a highly valued member of our school community.
It is with mixed emotions that I share the next staff change. Chelsea Aberline (Grade 5 classroom teacher and Numeracy Learning Specialist) has been successfully appointed to a Leading Teacher position with the Regional Office. Chelsea will be sharing her knowledge and expertise of curriculum with schools in the South West Region and supporting school teams with their improvement journeys. Although we are very sad to see such a valued and experienced staff member leave us, we are very excited for Chelsea and congratulate her on this achievement. Chelsea will begin her role with the Region from the beginning of term 4.
Thank you to our incredible school council members Emma Charlton and Shell Lyons for organising our movie fundraiser and raffle on Saturday last week. It was such a joy to see so many students and their parents walk out of the cinema with such positive reviews of the Minion movie. Another wonderful way to bring our community together – thank you to the 140 people who purchased tickets, contributing to our fundraising plan.
Total funds raised;
- Movie Fundraiser - $ 1290
- Raffle - $3337
We have had lots of helpers support the raffle and movie, special thanks to all;
Film Fundraiser co-ordinator - Emma Charlton
Freek Den Braber
Caroline Healey
Melissa Dance
Raffle co-ordinator - Shell Lyons
Emily Lanman
George Wythe
Fiona Brown
Karina Burdess
Rachel James
And, a very special shout out to the many local businesses who contributed to prizes. All funds raised will continue to grow our playground enhancement fund.
Information regarding the $400 school bonus has been released to schools. Please take time to read the information provided and ensure your details are up to date.
Parent Opinion Survey
We have now grown to a total of 68 responses (20% of the school). Please take some time out to complete the survey for us, as we highly value your feedback (celebrations and areas for improvement).
Parent Opinion Survey Link (open until Friday 20th September – date extended)
PIN Your school's generic PIN is:961454