Learning and Teaching

Term 4 Senior Newsletter
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A new NForma Portal is on its Way!!
Over the last week, we have been preparing to move to the new nForma nparent portal – a new one stop communication hub for parents. In this initial stage, we will be using the new portal for parents to access student’s academic reports. The new portal includes a new look and user-friendly interface and more importantly, a downloadable app.
In Week 1, Term 4, parents will receive information on how they can access the new nportal - either through their desktop browser or by downloading the app on their phones. Please be aware that the old parent portal will become inactive over the coming weeks and access to reports will only be available through the new nportal.
Friday September 20th
What a great day we had today for Footy Fun Day! It was fantastic to see all the students and teachers in their footy sports tops or colours.
Seniors were involved in House Footy Matches from 8.50 - 10.15. Grade 5/6 Houses played first with the Grade 3/4 students cheering for their House, then Grade 3/4 Houses played as the Grade 5/6 students cheered. There was a great atmosphere!!! We would like to congratulate Grade 5/6 Bosco House who won their competition and also Grade 3/4 MacKillop House for winning their competition! Both levels will be presented with their trophy that will have their House engraved on it for 2024 and be kept in our trophy cabinet ready for next year’s competition.
Following the Senior House Competitions, the whole school went out to the football oval to cheer and support the Grade 6s and staff/parents in their footy match. What a great atmosphere there was!!!
We would like to take the opportunity to congratulate the staff/parent team in their win!! Well done to both sides for their sportsmanship and humour during the match.
Juniors had a great time involved in footy rotational activities from 11.30 – 12.45. Students rotated around 8 activities focussed on developing their AFL skills. We would like to thank the Grade 6 students who volunteered to assist running the Junior rotational activities. They demonstrated great leadership skills and helped the Juniors to have a great time! These students have also received points for their House for the Community Spirit they have demonstrated by assisting the Juniors with their rotations.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the students who participated with enthusiasm and excitement. We would also like to thank all the staff for their support and enthusiasm. Days like this wouldn’t happen without the support of our great staff. And our fantastic P&F who provided our sausage fun lunch to add to the celebrations of the day!
We wish everybody a safe and restful holiday and look forward to next term with new sporting opportunities for the students.
Lulli and Giuliana
In Italian, for the Art Show this year, both junior and senior students have been working on card pieces of their own puppet. It is proving to be a bigger undertaking than originally thought.
The juniors focus has been on Carlo Collodi’s well know story about Pinocchio, (although not the gruesome original story), but the story where this wooden puppet shows himself to be truthful, selfless and brave and is transformed into a real boy. From Pinocchio’s adventures, we can learn to lead a happy life by changing ourselves for the better.
The seniors focus has been on Arlecchino. He is one of the youngest comic servant characters (Zanni) from the Italian commedia dell’arte, associated with the city of Bergamo. Apart from the role of faithful servant, Arlecchino can be clown-like and acrobatic, providing lots of comic relief to the play. His character, well known and loved, is well represented during Carnevale in Italy.
Both junior and senior students have been introducing themselves in Italian, saying their age in Italian. The juniors sing a greetings action song with a partner that reminds them of various phrases to use, question and answer. The seniors have practised answering where their parents, grandparents or they were born, understanding, asking and responding to questions that relate to their work or classroom routine: Mi serve il bagno/ Posso bere?
Ciao a tutti, da Filomena
In Term 1, the students engaged in the practice of essential skills such as jumping, hopping, catching, and throwing. Various activities and equipment were utilised to emphasise these fundamental skills. To warm up the students in an enjoyable manner, an obstacle course was implemented. Additionally, I introduced the sport of cricket, which provided a delightful opportunity for the students to enhance their catching and throwing abilities while participating in gameplay.
In Term 2, students engaged in activities utilising equipment such as skipping ropes and Hula Hoops, allowing them to explore their creativity in various ways. Additionally, they were introduced to basketball, a popular sport at our school, where they learned essential skills such as dribbling, catching, and passing. To further enhance their skills, a lively game of "Rob the Nest" was organised, incorporating the dribbling techniques learned in basketball.
In Term 3, the students engaged in exercises aimed at enhancing their body coordination in Gymnastics, including activities such as forward rolls, backward rolls, handstands, and jumping. They derived great enjoyment from the various movements involved. Additionally, they focused on learning different techniques in Soccer and gaining a comprehensive understanding of the game's rules.
In Term 4, students will engage in Tennis, focusing on various skill components such as forehand, backhand, serving, and smashing. They will also learn to identify the appropriate techniques to apply in different scenarios.
I hope the year of Physical Education Classes is a way of the students to gain confidence in their physical abilities across various scenarios on the sports field. Additionally, I wish for them to find enjoyment in their lessons.
Throughout Term 1, students engaged in activities focusing on Flexibility, Strength, Power, Agility, and Health and Fitness Components. They faced challenges such as the 12-minute run and the Beep Test, both of which assess their fitness levels. Additionally, discussions were held regarding their strategies for coping with fatigue during sports. The Sit and Reach test was conducted to evaluate flexibility, emphasizing the significance of stretching.
Students also participated in the Vertical Jump (Sargent Jump), which assesses their power and strength. A decline in performance in this test over a two-week period may indicate fatigue in the Central Nervous System.
In class, students engaged in various Athletics activities, including Shot Put, Discus, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Hurdles, and Relay. They were instructed on the proper techniques for handling the equipment to maximise their throwing distance.
During Term 2, students were introduced to Hockey, learning how to properly hold the Hockey stick and the essential skills and techniques for playing the game. While the majority enjoyed the experience, some students encountered challenges in mastering specific skills. Towards the end of the term, they were also introduced to Volleystars, along with the skills necessary for participating in that game.
In Term 3, students began their exploration of Gymnastics, learning to perform a Forward Roll, Backward Roll, and Handstand with guidance. They found the Gymnastics classes enjoyable. As the term progressed, Soccer was introduced, covering techniques for stopping the ball, passing, shooting, dribbling around opponents, and understanding the rules of the game.
In Term 4, students will engage in Tennis activities, transitioning to Cricket as the term concludes. In Tennis, they will focus on mastering techniques such as the forehand, backhand, smash, serve, and volley while approaching the net. Additionally, they will learn the rules of the game and develop strategies to compete effectively against their opponents. In Cricket, instruction will cover essential skills including batting, bowling, throwing, and fielding techniques.
In my Physical Education classes, a key component is the involvement of Senior Students in teaching specific skills to their classmates. This approach encourages them to take on leadership roles and manage group dynamics effectively. The guiding principle is "I do, you do, we do!"
On Wednesday, September 18th, several of our students participated in the Divisional Athletics event held at Casey Athletics in Cranbourne. Despite the unfavourable windy conditions, they had a wonderful time. Regrettably, the Hurdles event was cancelled due to safety concerns, Denise will have the opportunity to compete in this event at a later date.
Our 1500m athletes, Andi and Jax, were enthusiastic about participating in the competition. Both demonstrated exceptional dedication in their training, and we are pleased to report that Andi secured a decisive victory, while Jax finished in fourth place and Kristen achieved sixth place.
Our Discus throwers, Gerwin and Evie, have been diligently training during their break time, providing mutual encouragement throughout their practice sessions. Both students have been supportive of one another, resulting in Gerwin achieving fourth place and Evie securing sixth place in their respective events.
Our sprinters, Liliana and Dominic, participated in the 100m and 200m events, respectively. She expressed to me her immense pride in her accomplishments, noting that she had never anticipated reaching the Divisional stage in athletics. Meanwhile, Dominic secured a commendable third place finish.
Our 800m competitors, Andi and Lorelai, accomplished an outstanding feat, with Andi securing first place. Congratulations to all our students for their remarkable achievement in reaching this level of athletics.
What a great time our Juniors had on Wednesday. Emily and Michelle the educators from the RSPCA cam and focussed on:
- Who is RSPCA and what do we do for animals?
- What do pets need to be happy and healthy?
- Looking after pets responsibly.
- How are animals similar to people?
- Pet Needs Interactive Game.
Students were involved in a 45 minute lesson where they completed a variety of activities and then they had the opportunity to interact with an RSPCA education dog. We would like to thank Emily, Michelle and the RSPCA for providing this opportunity for our students.
A reminder to parents that swimming begins the first week back in Term 4. Students will need to wear their bathers under their sports uniform and bring a bag with their towel, undergarments and thongs. Students will put their thongs on before leaving for swimming to make changing easier. They will then put their shoes back on once they return to school.
Parents who have volunteered to assist the juniors, I will be checking that your Working with Children Check is current and registered with the school office. I will then be in contact with you prior to swimming beginning.
Swimming timetables have been uploaded onto the Operoo permission form as an attachment. Please print it off and ensure you have it available at home.
- Monday – LS1 Juniors and Seniors, LS3 Juniors
- Tuesday – LS2 Juniors and Seniors, LS3 Seniors
Parents please note you are welcome to attend Casey Race to view your child’s lesson but photographs and videos are not allowed and only parents who have been contacted by me, are able to assist in the junior change rooms.
A reminder to parents that swimming is an important part of the PE curriculum and all students are expected to attend. It’s imperative that students know how to keep themselves safe around water. If there is a medical reason your child cannot attend, you will need to provide a medical certificate for your child to be exempt. They will then remain at school in another Learning Space.
I wish everyone a safe and restful holiday.
Sports Coordinator