From the Principal

This week we received further data to assess our school's NAPLAN results against the State and National results and consider how we are trending across each curriculum area.
We are delighted and extremely proud of our St Francis de Sales NAPLAN results.
Our school continues to trend strongly, with consistently strong results and in the majority of areas assessed in Year 3 and in Year 5 we have maintained our strong performance. In quite a number of curriculum areas we trend upwards, showing growth and improvement. We have exceeded the growth of the State and National results in several areas.
We have outstanding results particularly in Writing both in Year 3 and in Year 5. In both levels our mean results are significantly higher than the state or National results. In both levels we have almost our entire cohort of children are writing above the mean of the State and National mean.
Year 3 Writing 2024
Blue is the National result, Green is the State result and Orange is St Francis de Sales.
Year 5 Writing 2024
Blue is the National result, Green is the State result and Orange is St Francis de Sales.
In Year 5, our 2024 results are even better than our 2023 results and above the State in Reading, Writing, Spelling and Numeracy. In Grammar and Punctuation we have similar results to 2023 comparable to the State.
In Year 3, our Reading and Spelling results trend at the same level as the State and higher than the National. Our Writing is significantly above the State and National results. Grammar, Punctuation and Numeracy are areas that are similar to the state and will continue to be a focus in 2025. Consolidation of number knowledge before moving to formal computation methods is an area that we all need to work on at home and at school.
NAPLAN is just one assessment and it gives us a window to how our individual children are going and how we are going as a school. The results are compared to other formal testing that we do over the year. Any assessment requires analysis and dialogue. For the teachers this means they are informed about the next steps for the child. For the school this means deeper analysis to inform our School Improvement Plans and our focus for Professional learning to enhance teaching.
We will all engage in this important professional conversation and action to ensure improvement. We can rightly be proud and celebrate our great success with the maintenance of above average and in fact outstanding results.
St Francis de Sales was developed with strong pedagogy based on the best informed research. We continue to maintain this strong pedagogy to ensure BEST practice. We focus on rigor and consistency across the school with explicit teaching that is personalised to ensure growth and learning.
St Francis de Sales continues to be a HIGH Performing School.
MACSSIS survey
Sunday 22 September is the last day to complete the MACSSIS survey. If you have not yet done this, could you please take the time to complete it. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
We would like to have 25% of our parents complete the survey so that we get robust data to inform our next steps. We are so close to this target and request your support so that we make it and ensure we are able to get valid data for our 2025 School Review. I greatly appreciate all the parents who have already completed the survey. Your support is greatly appreciated..
Thw Winner of the $100 Movie Gift card is...
Alice de Santos
A new NForma Portal is on its Way!!
Over the last week, we have been preparing to move to the new nForma nparent portal – a new one stop communication hub for parents. In this initial stage, we will be using the new portal for parents to access student’s academic reports. The new portal includes a new look and user-friendly interface and more importantly, a downloadable app.
In Week 1, Term 4, parents will receive information on how they can access the new nportal - either through their desktop browser or by downloading the app on their phones. Please be aware that the old parent portal will become inactive over the coming weeks and access to reports will only be available through the new nportal.
Footy FUN Day
What a great day we had today for Footy Fun Day! It was fantastic to see all the students and teachers in their footy sports tops or colours.
A massive BIG thank you to our P&F for organising a great Footy FUN lunch. We all appreciate the time and effort that our parents so generously give to make our school a great community. P&F thank you for making this annual event so much FUN.
A big thank you to all the staff for all your efforts this term. It has been a busy term with Confirmation, Father’s Day, Book Week, Parent/Teacher interviews and Footy Fun Day. We look forward to next term with lots of exciting events including our Art Show and the Twilight Market.
It is also an exciting Term 4 as we look forward to welcoming 2025 Foundation Students as they join us for our now traditional Step into SFS Party and also supporting our Year 6 students in their last term at SFS and we look forward to celebrating their achievments at their Graduation at the end of the year.
Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy the beautiful weather.
Christine White