DCS Community

Father's Day Stalls

DCS Community will be holding their annual Father’s Day stalls on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th August.


Students will have an opportunity to purchase an amazing gift for Dad or a loved one.


Please see above for the days each year level will be able to purchase items.


Items will range in price from $1-$10 

DCS Community Catch Up

At DCS we highly value community connection: providing opportunities for our DCS families to come together, share, chat and get to know each other better. Many amazing life-long friendships are formed through connections made during our children's school years. 


All members of the DCS Community are invited to join us at our DCS Community Catch Up on Wednesday 4th September from 8.45am in the JILOA Centre. This will be a very friendly, casual event, allowing space for you to mingle and chat over a delicious hot drink. 

Subway Lunches

DCS Community facilitates the option of Subway lunches for all students each Wednesday. Orders are placed via the Subway Canteen Hub, and then delivered to school. Please read the information below if you would like to place an order.