Assistant Principal's Report

Mitch Harris

I was so proud to hear feedback and witness student engagement in the School of Play sessions on Tuesday. Students were able to make the most of the practical solutions Dale and Paul offered to thinking about their connections and community. Students were challenged to create a PAL (proud, admire, love) message for a friend or family member. Well done to all students.

Lunch Passes

Students are required to be at school throughout the school day. Recently, we have seen an increase in requests for lunch passes to go down the main street. Below I have clarified the process for obtaining a lunch pass, to assist parents in creating a partnership with the school. Please note that our school has The Cafe, and its viability depends on student and family support.


Short Term Lunch Passes

  1. Written consent via email or note (parent permission on Compass is not appropriate) is required for students to leave school grounds for lunch.
  2. Students should return to school after getting their lunch to connect with peers and be supervised by yard duty staff.
  3. Short term lunch passes are valid for that day only.

Long Term Lunch Passes


Year 12 students have long term lunch passes as a privilege. Parents wishing to arrange a long term lunch pass should meet with the Student Engagement Leader to discuss its appropriateness and support the student in enjoying the benefits of staying at school during out-of-class time.