Principal's Report
Dear Parents and Carers,
This Term our Year 6 Students have been preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. They have attended the church to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in preparation for next week, as well as participating in a session with Bishop Tony Ireland our Southern Regional Bishop. On Tuesday afternoon we also held our family faith session where we discussed the Fruits and Gifts of the Holy Spirit as well as examples of faith in our lives. My sincere thanks to Mrs Liz Lamb, Mrs Nin Corp, Mr Brodie Ross and Miss India Mitchell-Fletcher for preparing the students for this very important sacrament of initiation. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be held on Friday 30th August at 5pm in our church.
Father's Day Activities next week
Next week on Tuesday 27th August, our amazing P & F will once again be holding our Father's Day morning at school. Dads, and special friends, are invited to attend school from 7:45am onwards where they can visit the classrooms with their children as well as have a cup of tea or instant coffee and a sweet treat from the hall. For those who would like a stronger coffee there will be a coffee van available from 7:45am as well on the playground.
All visitors are also invited to attend mass with the students at 9:15am in the church.
Later in the week the P & F will also run the Father's Day stall where the children can purchase gifts. Prices for the gifts range from $3 - $8. Don't forget to send a bag with your child so they can keep their purchases safe.
Please see the fliers for Father's Day activities further in our P & F Section of the newsletter.
Senior Playground Designs
Please see below the latest designs that the Student Representative Council have given approval for. I will keep you all updated as we draw nearer to our P & F fundraising target.
P & F Colour Run Day
Please save the date Friday 1st November
Staff Professional Development Day
On Monday this week the Teaching Staff and LSO's participated in Professional Development based around the teaching of Spelling. It was a very worthwhile day with lots of shared understandings based on a whole school approach. The training was conducted on the Smart Spelling program by Michelle Hutchison. My thanks to Mrs Bianca Latto, our Literacy Leader, for organinsing this invaluable training for us.
Morning Drop off Procedures
I have noticed over the past few months that children are arriving much earlier than our gate opening time of 8:30am and waiting on the footpath in large numbers. Please note that if you do arrive prior to the gates being opened, that parents are personally responsible for the supervision of their child on the footpath. If your child walks or rides to school please make sure they do not arrive at school before 8:30am.
Once the gates are opened, the children are able to enter the school yard and official staff supervision begins. Parents are able to depart after the gates are open. Unsupervised children around school gates and roads is a recipe for disaster that we all want to avoid.
**Please note that the school provides excellent before and after school care run by the City of Kingston. Enrolment forms can be found in the out of hours care page in this newsletter.
It is also very important that children are not bouncing balls whilst walking on the footpath to and from school and on the playground before and after school. Balls have a habit of going in wrong directions and a child chasing a ball onto the road at pick up time might cause the unthinkable. I am requesting our community to be vigilant in this matter, child safety is everyone's responsibility.
School Calendar
Please use the following Google link to add the school calendar to your own calendar for ease of information exchange. School Google Calendar HERE.
God Bless,
Pat Berlingeri