Student Learning

In writing sessions the preps have been working on the structure of letters and all wrote a letter to our great Art teacher Mrs Kelly. She loved her letters! They have also been working on alliteration poems. There has been some really creative thinking when writing them.
Mia and Noah are well on their way to knowing their M300 words. Practising these words with your children at home helps them on their way to knowing them.
Two of the great shortlisted books we have read this week for book week. The preps have critiqued these books, giving them a rating out of 5.
Year 1/2
Reading - Using their author study book, The Twits, the students analysed the similarities and differences between Muggle-Wump and Mr. and Mrs. Twit. Then they crafted these cute Muggle - Wump creations.
Writing - As part of our letter writing unit, we tapped into the excitement of the Olympics by researching famous Olympians. Each student then wrote a letter to their chosen Olympian. Much to our delight, some of the students received personal responses to their letters.
Maths - The students enjoyed a hands-on activity focused on planning, budgeting and spending money. Working with a set budget, they had various options to spend their money on including colouring, art activities and playing 'shops'. They were then required to calculate the change they would receive.
PE - In preparation for the athletics carnival, the students soared to new heights in long jump.
Year 3/4
Mia and Charlotte - In book club we read together, then read on our own to a set page. We meet on Fridays, we solve words, we discuss what we were thinking while we were reading, we ask questions and answer them together.
Spencer - We have been reading The Impossible Quest as a book club, I notice on the spine of the book an image is added for each token the characters need to find to save the world from the Bog Men. I love this book it the best book ever written!
Izayah - I have been working on Arwen's gift to the characters to find out why he gave it to them. The gift connects to the character traits. The Book is very entertaining, I like the ideas and themes. It takes me on an adventure.
Initially Leo found ordering fractions very difficult, by the end of the lesson he recognised that he needed to ensure the shapes where the same size in order to compare them. Great work Leo! Eva also noticed the same when she was comparing and ordering fractions. Super work Eva!
Charlie has been working super hard on making his writing more engaging. He has really kicked goals with his last narrative. He has fantastic description and word choice. Awesome work, Charlie!
Fantastic working out during the applying task for math! Students had to use their knowledge to identify fractions and simplify where possible.
Mackenzie and Brooklyn always working hard, reading everyday! We are proud to say Mackenzie has moved to C2 and Brooklyn has completed our phonics program! Well done girls!
Year 5/6
Our students leaders have been busy representing our school at recent events. Last weekend Akirah-Lee and Olivia represented the school at the Cobram Vietnam Veterans Commemoration.
On Thursday 22nd August our 5 student leaders were invited to Bluebirds Kinder to read to students as part of book week celebrations.