Wellbeing - Whole School

R U OK? Day
This Friday during our assemblies and PCL activities, we will recognise an important wellbeing initiative – R U OK? Day.
R U OK? is a harm prevention charity that encourages people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through life’s ups and downs. In schools, R U OK? support teachers and leaders across Australia to help students learn how to start a conversation with their peers. Educators build the social and emotional skills of children by helping them develop the skills they need to support each other and be good friends.
The R U OK? concepts are taught throughout our school year, and not just solely on this day, as we map it to the Australian Curriculum (primarily through PD/H/PE), integrate into pastoral care and wellbeing lessons via the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework. The Australian Student Wellbeing Framework guides Primary School wellbeing activities through five main elements. Areas of the framework where R U OK? activities can be applied include:
- Inclusion: help build positive, respectful relationships among students through understanding friendship and building support networks.
- Student voice: Through actively engaging students in identifying and responding to emotions in themselves and others, develop social and emotional skills, such as personal safety, resilience, help-seeking and protective behaviours, and foster a sense of connectedness.
- Support: By raising awareness and understanding of wellbeing through identifying, recognising and responding to emotions, support students with strategies that promote resilience and positive behaviour.
- Partnerships: Through developing the skills for students to have important conversations with those around them and allows for collaborative opportunities within the school community to support wellbeing.
Alexandros Sinadinos Robert Simpson
Director of Middle School Director of Senior School