English News
3-6 News
Soundwaves Spelling Years 3-6
Congratulations to Isaac C in Year 5 who raised $201 for MS in the MS Readathon!
Stage 3 Zoom with Author Tristan Bancks
On Thursday 5th September, Year 5 and Year 6, were fortunate to zoom in with Tristan Bancks, author of many books, including 'Scar Town', 'Cop and Robber' and an old favourite titled 'Ginger Meggs'. Tristan spoke about his early life, growing up in the Blue Mountains, loving reading and playing sports. He spoke about how he didn't start writing books, he started writing plays to perform. Tristan always had a love for thriller books, to the point that he closed a Petrol Station at night, and brought in all his props, including fake money, to create a trailer for one of his best sellers 'Cop and Robber'. He enjoys travelling around Australia to find great settings for his ideas to come to life.
Thomas G, Scarlet H and Teena T (Year 5M)
Kim Hill
Years 3-6 English Coordinator
K-2 Phonics Update
Week 8: th (them) th (thin): them this then that thin moth math
Week 9: Consolidation and Review of Consonant Digraphs: ch sh th th
Year 1
Week 8: /oy/or: or as in sport/ oy as in toy: born corn torn sort short sport torch storm north fork
joy toy boy ploy soy boys
Week 9: /er/: er as in jumper: dinner summer letter better jumper sister winter number under
Year 2
Week 8: Plural spelling rule (Add ‘es’ to words ending in s, x, ch , tch, sh and z): beaches peaches watches lunches witches foxes boxes kisses dresses bosses buzzes wishes dishes brushes flashes
Week 9: /j/ g ge dge: gel gym cage page rage sage stage wage bridge edge hedge ledge wedge fudge
Kate Gill
K-2 English Coordinator