School Council

School Council Newsletter Report - Meeting 15 August 2024
School Council met last Thursday on site for Mr Johns first meeting as Acting Principal of Wyndham Vale Primary School. It was a great opportunity to introduce ourselves to our new Executive Officer. His insights, having held roles as Assistant Principal and Acting Principal at both Riverbend and Manorvale Primary Schools will allow us to make well informed decisions as a Council, focusing on the best interests of our students.
We began this month's meeting catching up with Jane Warren, who conducted our school review in April and May this year. Jane ran us through the review, explaining the process, the observations and rationale behind the outcomes that have been presented to Mr Johns and which will now guide our schools strategic plan, ensuring compliance with the Victorian Curriculum and standards for student learning. During the process school leaders, teachers, educational support staff, students and parents were all engaged in many focus groups, thank you to everyone who gave up their time to participate.
The Finance Sub Committee reviewed the finance reports for June and July, focusing on budget management. We discussed the importance of accurate data and allocation of costs in maintaining accountability and talked about ways to both reduce consumables and wastage within the school. The Policy and Curriculum Sub Committee reviewed the Sun Protection Policy and the Student Dress Code. The first will now include provision to keep students indoors at recess and lunch on days of extreme heat and the latter will remove some elements of the previous code allowing greater student expression while maintaining clear requirements around the WVPS uniform.
We discussed the Grade 6 graduation, which I am really excited about as my daughter finishes her primary school journey in just a few months. And as usual, finished off with the approval of some fun excursions, incursions and the Grade 2 sleepover, scheduled for November. We look forward to a very busy but fun term 4!
Our next meeting is Thursday 19 September 2024, this will be held over Webex and all are welcome to observe.
Sharon Gatt
School Council President