Sustainability in Action

We have been really busy over the past few weeks planting fruit trees and other fruiting plants for our school.
- Grade 4 students helped to plant lemon, lime, orange and plum trees.
- Our Grade 1 students created a new strawberry patch with plants we have grown from runners.
- Our Grade 5/6 Huon students worked with their Prep buddies planting strawberry plants and flowers in our main garden beds.
- Grade 2&3 children planted raspberry canes and also thornless blackberries, silvanberries, loganberries and blueberries.
Special thanks to volunteer Stan Andrewartha, grandfather of Aidan (Grade 3) and Maddie (Grade 5/6) who has been helping with our garden program. We are looking forward to having lots of our own fruit growing in the future.
Photos | Students across all grades are really enjoying getting out into our new gardens.
We are always doing some outdoor gardening activities each Thursday at our school. If you can spare a couple of hours to come in weekly, fortnightly, monthly we could sure use your help. We also have a new cooking program happening with the students, and volunteers are needed for that program as well.
If you can assist contact me (Luch) via my email: or contact the school office on 6247 7104.
Luch Brighella
School Sustainability Teacher