Grade 4 Community News

Hi friends and families of Tarneit Rise Primary School!
4C - Jamie Stanley
My name is Mr Stanley. I joined the teaching team at TRPS at the end of Semester 1, where I relieved a year 1 and 2 class for a couple of weeks. I was fortunate enough to soon come on board as 4C’s full time classroom teacher. Over the past couple of months, I have enjoyed building relationships with my class and the rest of the grade 4 cohort of students and teachers. This has been one of the most rewarding decisions and career paths that I have made to date. When I am not teaching, I am in the kitchen cooking up a storm, gardening, finding new hike tracks outside of Melbourne, performing at the occasional wedding or gig, and always writing music/ playing the piano. I am really looking forward to knuckling down with my class for the rest of Semester 3 and celebrating my students' achievements as we near towards the last quarter of 2024!
In reading, we have been exploring Ancient African Kingdoms. We have identified how the geography of certain kingdoms allowed them to prosper at different points in history. Additionally, we looked at factors that led to the decline of some kingdoms. In the upcoming weeks, we will be looking at the influence of particular important people and their role in spreading particular religions throughout Africa. We will be applying this understanding to our final information reports! Ask your student what their favourite African kingdom has been and why.
We continued to explore mountains as barriers. We also looked at the social, geographic, economic, and agricultural impacts on many places worldwide, applying this knowledge through information report writing. Students were exposed to various issues that societies have been faced with to benefit from (and work around) these enormous natural wonders! Students are continuing to practise constructing an informative text using key structural elements, as well as incorporating language features used in an informative text. Through reflection, each class has been able to regularly review the rubric and Bump It Up Wall so they can improve their writing.
In our maths lessons, students have been classifying angles, measuring angles using a protractor, and providing geometric reasoning to support their findings. Students have gained their knowledge of acute, right, obtuse, reflex, straight and revolution angels, and applied this through hands-on and digital learning experiences. In Week 6, we began our unit of Shape where students explored the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, calling on real-life examples in their learning environment to cement their understanding, ultimately recognising 2D and 3D shapes, prisms etc, in the wider community.
- Please continue to revise facts about angles at home with your students. Can you find any examples of acute, obtuse, right, or straight angles, in your home surroundings?
- Please continue to read every night with your students.
Thank you.