Grade 3 Community News

Dear Grade 3 Families,
In weeks 5 and 6, we have finished up some units and started some new exiting ones which the students have been extremely engaged with. Students have been enjoying playing on the new bouldering equipment while outside at recess and have put into practise many of the topics covered in Respectful Relationships so far this year.
After their excursion to the Melbourne Museum, the Grade 3 students finished up their unit on The First Australians. We started a new Read2Learn Unit on our serial text from last term ‘Race for Reconciliation.’ The students have learnt lots about the author, Anita Heiss and the themes shown throughout the book such as Reconciliation, Unity, Friendship, and Heroes. Having read the book last term, the students are able to deep dive into these themes and are enjoying learning more about the book and the reason it was written.
Students have continued with their Historical Narratives and have worked very hard to incorporate true historical facts into their narratives. Students have had a go at incorporating dialogue into their narratives to make their stories even more engaging. Nearing the end of the writing process, students have done very well with editing and revising their work, checking not only for punctuation and spelling but also editing for meaning. Students have published their Historical Narratives in a variety of ways such as on paper and on their iPads. They have also had the opportunity to present their narratives to a group and receive feedback in the form of 2 stars and 1 wish.
Our Grade 3 students enjoyed the last week of multiplication. They were able to use their knowledge of arrays to help them solve more challenging problems such as two digit by two-digit multiplication. They consolidated their knowledge of multiplication with a think board. We have started a new unit on patterns where students will be able to use their prior knowledge from earlier in the year to create and describe more complicated patters.
We have continued reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone during eating time and some students have been following along with the book on their iPads.
We have been looking at five new vocabulary words a week. In Week 5 the students learnt triumph, jolt, destiny, spiral, bellowed, and rapping. In Week 6 the students learnt quiver, savage, sneer, rustle, and pierce. Ask your child the meaning of these words and see if they can use them in a sentence.
- Please remember to send your child to school with a charged iPad
- Ask your child if they need any new stationary to bring to school (e.g. whiteboard markers, pencils, pens, etc.)
- Remember to log your child’s reading in their student journal each night and bring it to school on their designated day
It is crucial that all students are attending school every day so they can work on their learning goals and don’t miss important lessons. Please book holidays during school holiday periods rather than during the school term to make sure valuable learning time is not missed.
The Grade 3 PLC Team