Grade 1 Community News

Hello Grade 1 Families,
We can’t believe we are heading towards the second half of the term! Time flies when we are having fun. Our Grade 1 students have been exploring new topics and continuously putting in their best efforts in all learning areas. Here is a look into what we have been getting up to in our Grade 1 community over the past fortnight.
In Reading, we have been looking at our core text ‘Mr Popper’s Penguins’. We have made connections with this text already as we are continuing to learn new words in our Vocabulary lessons. We looked at different skills such as visualising and making inferences using text and picture clues. Here are some photos of our students visualising Captain Cook (name of the penguin in the book) and the parcel box that Captain Cook was delivered in.
In Writing, we were introduced to persuasive writing for the first time! This was very exciting for us as we had lots of great ideas to show our opinions and to convince the readers of our persuasive texts. We first read the book ‘Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus’ to discuss how the pigeon tries to convince the readers to let him drive the bus, then we talked about the persuasive language that helps us to show our opinions in our persuasive writing piece. A lot of the students were passionate about sharing their ideas and we are looking forward to improving our writing by using the ‘Bump It Up’ wall.
In Maths, we have been exploring, describing and creating our patterns. We looked at different types of patterns (repeating and growing patterns) and practiced identifying the rules of each other’s patterns. We were super proud of all the students who pushed and challenged themselves to come up with higher number patterns that include skip counting and even double facts! Here are some photos of our amazing work.
Vocabulary / Morphology
In Vocabulary, the children have been looking at the words expedition, refuse, contribution and examine. We are getting the words from the story ‘Mr Popper's Penguins.’ We have shown our learning about these words by using them in our writing and including them in a game of charades.
Friendly Reminders:
- Please ensure your child is bringing their reading satchel to school with their student journal, so we can celebrate your child’s reading milestones.
- Please ensure your child is only bringing water to school. Students are allowed to bring cut up fruit in containers to eat during learning time.
- The payments to the Toy Incursion happening in Week 10 of Term 3 is due by Friday, 6th September.
Lunch orders are available for students on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and may be ordered through the QR code:
We thank you for your continued support of your child’s learning!