Physical Education News

Dear Students, Families, and Parents,

The students have been working hard on their skills as well as their knowledge of the games that they are learning. Keep up the great work everyone!



District Athletics day

Well done to our Tarneit Rise Athletics team for winning the District Athletics for the second year in a row!! We are extremely proud of all of your efforts on the day! Well done to the athletes that have made it through to the division round of Athletics which is taking place on the 10th of September down at the Newport Athletics track. Training will be continuing at running club on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 8:10 am to 8:30 am. High jump practice will be taking place on Tuesday and Friday mornings as well from 8:10 till 8:30 am. 



Upcoming Sports

10th September Division Athletics

 10th October Division Softball  



Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2

The Preps, Grade 1s and Grade 2s have finished their gymnastics units with some very impressive cartwheels. Well done to all of the Preps for completing your first round of Gymnastics. It has been awesome watching all of the students increase their balance by improving their vestibular systems through all of the movements that we have done. They are now moving into high catches and throws. These can be practiced at home using the proper technique. For high catches, the vocab is release rotate, and catch. Students start with one hand above their head, they then release the ball above their head. The final step is to bring the throwing hand to meet the other hand to create a triangle before they catch the ball. For overhand throwing students start in skateboard stance, they hold their ball with bunny ears grip. Following this step the students then point to aim and throw following through with their hand to make it two to make sure. 


Grades 3 and 4

Grades 3 and 4 have finished up with target games and are now moving into their fitness unit. We started the week with the Cooper run which is a 12-minute run around an 80m circuit. Students have to run as far as they can for the entire time. Following the run, we will be moving into a fitness circuit for 3 weeks before we attempt the Cooper run again. Students can prepare for the next round of the Cooper Run by going to an oval or a park and running for 12 minutes trying to limit the amount of times they stop to walk. 


Grades 5 and 6

Grades 5s and 6s have finished up with target games and are now moving into their fitness unit. We started the week with the Cooper run which is a 12-minute run around an 80m circuit. Students have to run as far as they can for the entire time. Following the run, we will be moving into a fitness circuit for 3 weeks before we attempt the Cooper run again. Students can prepare for the next round of the Cooper Run by going to an oval or a park and running for 12 minutes trying to limit the amount of times they stop to walk. 



Team of the Week

Well done to our Athletics team you are the first Team of the Week!! We are all extremely proud of your efforts. Stay posted to see if you have made the team of the week in the upcoming weeks!


Congratulations to Sierra, Nata, Alierose, Joseph, Rupali, Hendrix, Zamiel, Muzayna, Miekhe, Neriah, Louis, Leyah, Junior T, Haylo, Leo, Viyona, Geronimo, Amelia, Paviter, Patrick, Kavya, Dhiyash, Gael, Marita, Tanveer, Ayla, Manshant, Savannah, Janjot, Vyana, Nikshith, Delyssa, Amber, Tanveer, Gursumit, Angok, Markosis, Tiana, Makagbe, Tamara, Shanaya, Aaliyah, Maynard, Samarth, Ownzie, Gurman, Prita, Olina, Imad, Albhijon, Elaine, Hunar, Japsirat, Zawwar and Malvyn.





After School Clubs

  • 1-2 Cricket Wednesdays with Mr Dew
  • P-2 AFL with Mr Raffaele 
  • 3-6 Hockey with Mr Tivendale

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