Performing Arts News

Hi Tarneit Rise families,
Welcome back to exciting new term. This term the grade 1-6 are focusing on dance and the prep students are being introduced to the three areas of Performing Arts which are dance, drama and music.
In week 5 prep students have been learning about music and how we make music using our voice, body and instruments. Students have learnt to sing and do the actions to ‘The Flower Song’. They have also learnt to copy rhythms that the teacher or another student leads with both body percussion or an instrument. This week we are focusing on learning about drama and how we can change our voice and movements to become a character in a play or story.
Last week Grade 1 and 2 students have started creating their class dance by thinking about the music and what dance moves match the music. This week students have practised their dance as class and revised it to make it ready to perform.
Grade 3 and 4 students have started their planning their group dance by picking a song and starting to make a dance routine to the music. This week students have continued to work on their choreography for their group dance. They have given feedback to other groups using the rubric to help them improve their dance routine.
Last week Grade 5 and 6 students have started their group dance by planning the theme or storyline they want to convey in their dance and picking a song to match this theme. This week students have focused on creating their dance routine making sure they are covering all of the elements of dance in their routine and making sure they are meeting the rubric criteria by giving feedback to their group as well as other groups.
See you in the Performing Arts room
Mrs Patton, Mr Max, Miss V and Mrs Brant