Grade 6 Community News

Hello Grade 6 Families,
We’re excited to share what’s been happening in our classroom recently!
In Reading:
We’ve embarked on a new literature unit with the text Boy Overboard by Morris Gleitzman. Our dive into this story has led us to explore themes, characters, and participate in rich discussions. Jamal and Bibi’s journey has really captured our attention, and we’re excited to see where their story takes us.
In Maths:
Our new unit on Time has begun with an exciting explorative lesson. We’ve been honing our problem-solving skills by:
- Plotting times on an open number line
- Calculating the difference between starting and ending times
- Recording our thoughts and processes on the number line
- Interpreting weekly schedules and real-world timetables
These activities are helping us get a firm grasp on time-related concepts in a fun and interactive way.
In Writing:
We’re delving into character traits and the “show, don’t tell” strategy to create vivid descriptions of characters from picture books. These skills are laying the groundwork for us to become successful and creative writers. We’re learning to paint pictures with our words and bring our characters to life.
In Vocabulary:
Our vocabulary journey continues as we learn new words each week, many of which come directly from Boy Overboard. It’s wonderful to hear these new words pop up in our reading and everyday conversations. We’re building our vocabulary and making our language rich and expressive.
Some words from week 5 were: quivering, weave, frantically, ancestors, despair
Book Week Fun:
Some classes have also been enjoying our Book Week inspired room, which features many of the shortlisted stories. It’s been lovely to take the time to read some picture books as a class and immerse ourselves in these wonderful stories.
30/8 Crazy Hair Day - Grade 6 Graduation Fundraiser
4/9 - Classroom Open Day 3:15pm-4:00pm
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.
The Grade 6 Teachers