Grade 5 Community News

We are at the halfway stage of Term 3, the students have had an incredible first half of the term and have lots to look forward to before our next break!
Our Tuck Everlasting unit of work has been completed with lots of questions about immortality and its pros and cons being debated. The students are currently looking at analysing multimedia texts and learning to spot ‘fake news’. Our next Read2Learn unit is “Colonial Australia” which ties in with our trip to Sovereign Hill and includes learning about indigenous perspectives.
The students concluded writing their fantasy narratives, showing a vivid imagination and wonderful writing skills. They will continue to build on these skills, in the coming weeks, as they work collaboratively in groups to write a ‘choose your own pathway’ story. This involves the students creating multiple problems and solutions for their narratives and will enhance their digital literacy, as they use learning apps to create their story.
We have concluded our work on fractions and are now beginning to establish links between fractions and decimal numbers. Starting by naming, ordering and placing decimal numbers on a number line, the students will progress to solving problems involving using the four operations in the coming weeks. Can you find a way to discuss decimal numbers and fractions at home?
Students have been learning 6 new words each week from the text Tuck Everlasting and will now investigate words from multimedia. Students look at the meaning of the words, synonyms and antonyms for the words, and how to use the words in sentences. They are also retrieving words that they have learnt about already this year. These words are helping to add depth to our writing when we use them expertly, with prompting.
Thank you so much for your support,
- Book Week: Week 6 (Dress as book character 23rd August)
- Year 5 Open Day: 22nd August 9-10am - Grandparents Day: 23rd August 10:25 - 11:25am
- Year 5 Excursion: Sovereign Hill- 18th September
- Nightly reading journals- how many nights of reading has your child/children completed so far this year