Book Week Parade

Next week is book week and across the school students will be celebrating the joy of reading books written and developed by Australian authors and illustrators. This year’s book week theme is “Reading is Magic”.
In all classrooms throughout the week students will be participating in various book week activities and celebrations.
As a part of those celebrations, on Friday August 23rd, we are inviting all students across the school to dress up as their favourite book character or in the theme of their favourite book. In session 2 at 10:00am on the Friday, we will do our final school-wide celebration of books, by having all students -dressed up or not - join in on our book week parade.
If you would like to attend, please come to the school office for a 10:00am start. Upon your arrival, you will be asked to sign in, after which you will then be ushered to the parent seating space, along with other attending families to view the parade. We are looking forward to a magical book week.