
Canteen Roster - August
  22Eve23Julia & Sally H
28Shaye & 1 helper needed29Sue W30Julia & Susie
Canteen Roster - September
4John & 1 helper needed5Judith S62 helpers needed
112 helpers needed12Jen132 helpers needed

Footy Lunch Packs

No other lunch orders available

191 helper needed20

Canteen Closed

Clean Up

URGENT - Another helper needed for Wed 28th August.

Plus other spots to fill,  as noted above.

Please contact me ASAP on 0411558557 should you be able to assist. Only 9.15 to 12.45 with a free ice treat for your children.

Footy Lunch Day is on Wed 18th Sept - Details to follow very soon.

6 helpers will be needed on this day also as we are expecting approx 300 orders

With love, The Tooth Fairy aka Jen x

Canteen Manager

Jenni Rossi