Leadership Report


It is hard to believe that we are now at the halfway point of Term 3!

The year is whizzing past with so many exciting things taking place at our school currently moment and in the next few weeks. It has been a busy few weeks at school since our last edition of the newsletter, with Book Week, Science Week, National Bullying Week of Action, SSO Appreciation Week, and SAPSASA Athletics Day. Please take a look at some of this information in the sections below.

Book Week - Open Morning and Parade

This week has been Book Week all around the country and has been a fabulous celebration of books, literature and fostering a deep love of reading at our school! 

Book Week Open Morning and our Parade were very well attended by families (over 40 parents at the Open Morning!) We had a very strong representation of students and parents/siblings in costumes at our Parade this morning also. In the next edition, we will have a dedicated and special page to share this amazing event with everyone! Stay tuned!

Bullying No Way – National Week of Action

Last week, Leadership visited classes and worked with students and teachers to highlight the importance of connection and positive relationships in taking a stand against bullying. Empathy, personal differences, loyalty, noticing others, and the consequences of our actions were common themes and hot topics of discussion in our classrooms.

Rooms 10 and 11 have an exciting project underway: revitalising our Friendship benches. The new Are you okay? Benches, will have a new colour theme. Students worked on phrases they could use to engage and help others solve problems when feeling a range of emotions. 

In the latter half of the term, the SRC will bring all this learning to the table as we begin the development of our own Marion PS Bullying No Way Action Plan.

As we move forward, let’s keep these important messages at the forefront of the conversations we have with our young people and keep loyalty and respect at the top of the agenda.

Sickness update - Gastro, Cold and Flu, Covid

There has been quite a bit of sickness in the community and at school lately, with many student and staff absences. By staying home when unwell, helps to keep us all safe and well at school!

We have members of our school community who are immuno-compromised, and we need to all do our part to keep everyone safe!  

The simple message is stay home if you are unwell and please remain home until you are symptom-free! 

Special Assembly in Week 6

We have some very special surprises in store for our Week 6 Assembly! We will have further information for parents next week regarding what's happening and a confirmed earlier starting time!


We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and see you all next week as we commence the second half of the term.



The Leadership Team

Guy Walmsley and Georgina Sprigg