Principal Message

Be Kind, Be safe, Be respectful, Be responsible, Be resilient, Be ready
Dear Parents and carers,
On Sunday 6 of our students will receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
The sacrament of Confirmation is significant in the Catholic Church for several reasons:
Strengthening of Faith: Confirmation deepens and strengthens the grace received at Baptism. It binds the individual more closely to the Church and enriches them with a special strength of the Holy Spirit.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit: During Confirmation, the Holy Spirit bestows seven gifts—wisdom, understanding, right judgment, strength, knowledge, reverence, wonder, and awe. These gifts help the confirmed person to live out their faith more fully and to be a witness to Christ in their daily lives.
Mission and Witness: Confirmation calls individuals to be missionary witnesses of Jesus Christ. It empowers them to spread and defend their faith through their words and actions.
Completion of Initiation: It is considered the second of the three sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion). It completes the process of initiation into the Christian community.
Personal Relationship with Christ: The sacrament strengthens the personal relationship with Christ and helps the individual to grow spiritually.
The Fruits of the Spirit: The Fruits of the Spirit are nine attributes that the Holy Spirit brings; Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control
Confirmation can be compared to the fate of two soccer balls given as gifts to two separate people. The first person, when given the ball says, “Wow, let's play with it!” This they do on a regular basis and so develop a variety of skills and knowledge about how to use the ball, when alone and with others.
The second person appears happy with the gift but when the party is over puts the ball into a cupboard and doesn't give it another thought. The moral of the story: gifts need to be used if they are to fulfill their potential value.
How do we use our gifts? Have we hidden them away or are we using them?
Congratulations to Paige, Sebastian, Olivia, Raine, Peter, and Liam, we wish them every blessing as they continue on their spiritual journey
Keep smiling