Senior School News

Important Information
It is that time of year again where students need to be wearing a school SunSmart hat. Historically, it was Term 4 when they needed to start wearing them, but the advice we are guided by suggests that the average UV increases prior to Term 4 commencing. Please ensure all students are wearing a hat by Monday 11th September.
Senior School Newsletter: Camp Edition
Giant Swing
The Giant Swing was a fantastic and challenging experience. The students were hoisted up by each other on a pulley system 15 metres into the air, where they had to release themselves by pulling a rope, where they suddenly dropped and the swinging began. Here are some recaps from the students perspectives:
‘As I went to the top of the swing, I didn’t think it was actually that high but when I pulled the little rope I felt as light as a feather. I could feel the wind flying from every direction and it was awesome’. - Tyler 5B
‘At the giant swing I had lots of fun and it felt like I could fly. Luke made a funny face that looked like he was about to faint’- Fin 5B
‘I went on the giant swing and I was so happy when I went to the top. When I pulled the rope my heart dropped and I was so scared and screamed so much. I felt like I was going to fly off, but then it slowed down and I had another turn.’ - Peyton 5B
Flying Fox
The Flying Fox was amazing, even the teachers got to have a go as well as the students! The Flying Fox has two lines side by side that travel 300 metres across a lake!
Here are some reflections from students about their time on the Flying Fox: Here are some reflections from students about their time on the Flying Fox:
‘I really like the Flying Fox, it was fun and our group got to have four goes each. I twisted my line, so I went spinning on one of my turns, I went so fast that I hit the tyre at the end. The Flying Fox went over the lake, which was really cool.’ - Blake M 5B
‘I really enjoyed the Flying Fox because Lucas and I played a game of rock, paper, scissors on the way down’ - Fin 5B
One of the best things about canoeing was playing gang-up. Every time someone got tagged it got extremely intense. With our adrenaline pumping, our arms hurting and the temperature decreasing, we fought for the win. It was exhilarating! The only bad part was when we got splashed by the NINJA!! I know you’re thinking ‘“who is the ninja?” The answer to that question is… Mrs Parkinson!
- Colby and Anthony
Raft Making
Grade 5 boys with Grade 6 girls, and Grade 5 girls with Grade 6 boys. What a competition. We got our materials, then started building our raft. We noticed time was ticking. It was stressful but exciting at the same time. We had finally finished and started to push our rafts out into the water. It was difficult getting on and we eventually started paddling. Our group fell off one by one. We came out dripping wet but had so much fun and a lot of stories to tell.
- Sienna and Penny
Night Walk
The night walk was so fun here's why! We were trying to spot animals and saw so many. I was walking with Flynn and we saw animals big and small. We saw possums, kangaroos, wallabies and birds. Then suddenly we stopped, I had no idea what was going on everyone was looking. I was wondering what was going on then I heard someone say look at that. I looked and saw something amazing, a colourful star. How cool! After that we walked back to the camp. The walk back was even better. We were looking for deer. We did not end up seeing any but we saw one creepy kangaroo which gave me the shivers.
- Zac L
Rock Wall
The rock wall was so fun, so many people challenged themselves to climb the whole wall! The wall was like 50 ft tall. On my first go I got to about 30 ft, then I waited for another go. I climbed the whole wall! Your group would hold you, everyone trusted them with their lives.
- Brax D
Hut Building
Hut build was fun but the walk there was not as we had to walk up this big hill and it was very rocky. When we got there we assembled into teams sorting through logs and sticks and lining them up against the prebuilt logs. We would stuff smaller sticks in between in order to create a waterproof structure as later on 2 teachers would come along with buckets full of water and all of the team would go in the hut
and the teachers then splashed the hut with water. Along with the building we made damper which is a simple dough made of flour and water that is cooked over a fire and often paired with sweet jams.
~ Veronica
High Ropes Course
In the high ropes course we had to follow this obstacle course that was above the ground. We had a harness that was attached to a metal line above us to keep us from falling. There were different obstacles, such as balancing on a metal line, holding onto some rope and walking across a ladder. My favourite part of high ropes were walking across the ladder, which I tried to do with no hands.
~ Jack G
Wildlife Walk
On the Wildlife Walk, we followed a trail leading out of the camp on the lookout for animals and plants. We saw assortments of birds and groups of animals including emus, wallabies and kangaroos! We found birds of all colours, shapes and sizes. Our group even saw a Wedge-Tailed Eagle! It was amazing to see. We walked past fields and paddocks. In one paddock we saw seven emus. Overall it was a great experience. ~ Noah P
The Labyrinth
The labyrinth was a very fun and engaging activity to do at camp. You could have loads of fun playing games in the maze such as hide and seek, sardines, find the tennis ball or even just try and get out. It was very challenging because it was so big with lots of twists and turns but at the same time it was fun hanging out and trying to escape with mates. My group played sardines and we took about half an hour trying to get everyone to find the person because the maze was huge! Overall it was a fun experience that I would recommend trying!
- Archie M
When we did archery I was looking forward to trying something new. The first shot I was struggling to get a clean shot but not long after I got the hang of it. On my second turn I hit the bottom of the target. I was proud of myself. I was getting better and better. On my third turn I used a different bow but a piece had broken off so I had trouble shooting. So I challenged myself by using a left hand bow. I didn't hit any targets but all my arrows went further than any of my shots yet. It was fun trying something new and the results of it.
-Ryan P